PEAX Equipment

Colorado mule deer

Why do you care? Pot-Kettle

Why would I want to hunt for sheep? My priorities are all lined up.
Can we not turn this thread into a pissing match? I'm just trying to find some good information that will help me when the hunt comes. I have hunting mule deer in eastern Mt my whole life. I'm assuming that colorado is going to be different and would like to focus on that.
Well, quote the one who started it. I asked an honest question of why it took 17 years. I was curious. I had no other motive.
Okay, moving to AK as soon as I can pack my vitamin D supplements. Watch out sheep!
Man if I could get the wife on board I'd put in the paperwork tomorrow for an office up there that is a hard to fill paid incentive city and have a blast for about 5 years.
To the OP I like any of the David Long books YouTube can also be your friend just to get a feel for what good country looks like ect. If the unit requires that many points you all should have a blast. Good luck!

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