Bucket list trip


Well-known member
Sep 26, 2017
COVID puts a lot into perspective. Our family was impacted, like everyone else. So, my dad and I decided it was now or never to finally head to Alaska. This was his trip and I was along to spend time with him and help. I was nervous for him because he decided to go for 30 days straight. That is a haul but if anybody can do it I knew he could. He is a farmer/rancher from Wyoming and has some grit.

We got some recommendations on outfitters and decided to go with Steve Johnson with Ultimate Alaskan Outfitters. We were paired with a guide, Mitch, from our hometown in Wyoming by pure chance (or not by chance if you ask me). He was superb which was important considering we were going to be with him for so long.

The scenery was spectacular and nothing can quite prepare you for the vastness of Alaska. I wanted to see what was over every ridge, but would not have enough time even in a lifetime.

Couple observations I made right from the start: (1) large boulder scree fields suck in every way possible. (2) quality gear is so essential. We were very pleased with our gear. Beyond a higher end sleeping bag to lower weight, I have no gear changes for next year. (3) like any intense hunt it is impossible to fully prepare for these types of hunts. You have to embrace the suck and take things one step at a time. For the two weeks I was there I hiked 81 miles. I wish I would have tracked elevation gain, but I’m guessing around 3000-5000 per day. I lost 25 lbs. (4) I loved having fresh blueberries every day. It was seriously a little highlight each day.

We went after sheep for 14 days straight. That was the priority with other species to follow.

We found lots of them but just could not turn up a legal ram. I know @Bambistew was seeing the same thing and it was the report we were getting from everyone you talk to. That helps to understand the situation but it didn’t help lessen the sting of not finding a legal ram. That’s the risk you take when hunting any species.

Here are some pics of sheep (may have to zoom in). Another observation is that bush plane flights are amazing!

After failing to find a legal ram in three different areas we decided to shift gears and get some momentum. We changed locations again to target moose, bear, and caribou. We had as much success chasing them as failure chasing sheep! Within a week my dad had successfully taken all three.

Man, I am so envious (but very proud of you taking dad) of that trip! That is one that unfortunately I won’t be able to do in this lifetime.

Why, is that a muzzle brake I see? ;)
It was my time to head home if I wanted to stay employed. Was able to see Denali from in the plane on the way back to Anchorage.

My dad kept going for another 10 days. They found a spectacular ram (guide estimated him over 40 inches) but he was just inside a preserve not open to nonresidents. He was only a couple hundred yards from being in a legal area, so they waited and waited and waited. He was so close so many times but it just was not meant to be. 🤷‍♂️

This is the best photo I have of him.

Great adventure! Thanks for sharing.

Sounded like a rough year over in that country. It was rough everywhere for sheep, but that country has historically held up well to bad winters and winterkills, but something has sure changed in the last few years.
Great adventure! Thanks for sharing.

Sounded like a rough year over in that country. It was rough everywhere for sheep, but that country has historically held up well to bad winters and winterkills, but something has sure changed in the last few years.
Yeah, in talking with the bush pilot who transports for several different outfitters he said that after the first two weeks of the season he had only seen two rams killed out of about 20 hunters.
Very cool adventure that's awesome you got to share it with your dad.

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