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Bo Bergdahl

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Jose, you're definitely holding the bottle....

Mostly just don't see the reason to falsely attribute stuff that doesn't need to be fabricated.

Let's be honest, the GOP doesn't give a damn about the kid from Idaho, they just care about whining on the opposite side of whatever Obama does.

Look at the Senators who are upset without the proper notification....

Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R-Ga.), ranking member on the Select Committee on Intelligence, appeared on Fox News to criticize the administration while the briefing was still underway.

"In fact, the briefing is still going on, but I don't see how anybody can walk out of there with any kind of comfortable feeling that the administration, from a notification standpoint -- and I emphasize that -- did what they should have done or what they had the opportunity to do," he said.

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), who criticized President Obama for breaking the law, skipped the briefing entirely.
That second claim is hardening into a news media narrative. CNN has reported in scrolling headlines that six soldiers died looking for Sergeant Bergdahl after senior American military officials say he wandered off his base. The Daily Beast published an essay by a former member of Sergeant Bergdahl’s battalion, Nathan Bradley Bethea, who linked the search to the deaths of eight soldiers whom he named. “He has finally returned,” Mr. Bethea wrote. “Those men will never have the opportunity.”

Joe Crow: Is this the article you are referring to? A link was already post earlier in the thread.

It details two solders who died searching for Bergdahl. Other than the it being from the daily beast I see nothing that suggest that the article is not creditable.
Jose Cuervo, Josh Korder (a DIRECT source who appeared on CNN) who served with Bergdahl, stated that the deaths of PFC T.J. Foster, 2 LT. D.D. Andrews, and PFC M.M. Martinek occurred on missions while trying to recover Bergdahl. If you want to be technical, Bergdahl couldn't be DIRECTLY responsible for any death unless he pulled the trigger, or otherwise acted with the purpose to cause their deaths. A death by any other means would, by definition, be other than DIRECTLY attributal. You seem to think that if he didn't murder them, he could not be DIRECTLY responsible for their deaths.

Any common sense reading of the word DIRECT in the context which you site would mean that Bergdahl's actions lead to deaths that occurred on missions meant to rescue him, which otherwise would not have happened. For you to conflate the word DIRECT with MURDER shows your willing bias, and inabliltiy to let your political beliefs be confronted with and refined by the plain truth.

This is evidenced futher by your reckless claim that "the GOP doesnt' give a damn about the kid from Idaho..." To nit-pick of the legal/techinical meaning of the word DIRECT (as though it paints with too much of a broad stroak) and then make a claim that impunes the character of a party that represents the values of half of this country is the height of hypocracy and immaturity, and has no place in civil discourse.
Jose Cuervo, Josh Korder (a DIRECT source who appeared on CNN) who served with Bergdahl, stated that the deaths of PFC T.J. Foster, 2 LT. D.D. Andrews, and PFC M.M. Martinek occurred on missions while trying to recover Bergdahl. If you want to be technical, Bergdahl couldn't be DIRECTLY responsible for any death unless he pulled the trigger, or otherwise acted with the purpose to cause their deaths. A death by any other means would, by definition, be other than DIRECTLY attributal. You seem to think that if he didn't murder them, he could not be DIRECTLY responsible for their deaths.

Any common sense reading of the word DIRECT in the context which you site would mean that Bergdahl's actions lead to deaths that occurred on missions meant to rescue him, which otherwise would not have happened. For you to conflate the word DIRECT with MURDER shows your willing bias, and inabliltiy to let your political beliefs be confronted with and refined by the plain truth.

This is evidenced futher by your reckless claim that "the GOP doesnt' give a damn about the kid from Idaho..." To nit-pick of the legal/techinical meaning of the word DIRECT (as though it paints with too much of a broad stroak) and then make a claim that impunes the character of a party that represents the values of half of this country is the height of hypocracy and immaturity, and has no place in civil discourse.

So, in your opinion, there are TWO guys who died "directly" due to the search/rescue/etc actions caused by Bergdahl's desertion? Is that correct?

What about the other 4 (6 or 3) claims made in this thread?

And, if you are that concerned with my use of "DIRECTLY", (and you falsely attributed a bunch of nonsense to me, for some bizarre reason ), do you think EVERY American soldier killed in that region in the following 90 days was "DIRECTLY" attributable to the Bergdahl desertion?

(And if you need MY use of "DIRECTLY" in this thread it would relate to the guys actively searching / hunting / rescuing Bergdahl, and NOT a catch-all for any guy killed in the region in the following, arbitrary 90 day period.)

Joe Crow: Is this the article you are referring to? A link was already post earlier in the thread.

It details two solders who died searching for Bergdahl. Other than the it being from the daily beast I see nothing that suggest that the article is not creditable.

That is 2?

What is the real source of Faux Outrage on this issue? That troops were ordered to go look for him?

Or that Obama traded 5 guys in Guantanamo for him?

Or that Congress wasn't notified 30 days in advance?

Or that the town of Hailey, ID wanted to move from annual biker rallies in support of his release to some other sort of celebration upon his release?

I am just wanting to make sure we can all get on the same outrage page.
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