Bo Bergdahl

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Apr 15, 2004
What's you guy's take on this abortion? Is he a traitor? Are his parents old hippies or taliban? What a tangled web we weave...
Being ex military this is an inflammatory situation. I have my thoughts, but am going to wait until they get him debriefed. Then I will hit the fan with the chit. Some in his hometown are even coming unglued toward him and his parents. Just waiting to see how this plays out other than to say that my dad was in WWII and were he still alive I may be posting some very colorful comments pro and/or con..
I think it says a lot when those who served with him are attacking him. Last I remembered they were usually a pretty tight bunch....
On another note, we have another one sitting in, of all places a Mexican jail. I would think that that one would be so freaking easy to get released by just threatening to enforce our immigration laws to the Mexican President.
Too much rhetoric at this point. No point in passing judgement until more facts are revealed. He's innocent until proven guilty.

Not to mention what other classified info/data could have theoretically been exchanged that we have no idea about.
I don't know the answers but these are my concerns:
1) How many American lives were lost capturing the 5 Taliban terrorist?
2) How many will now lose their lives because of their release?
3) Does this presidence now put others lives in danger because of the belief the US is now dealing 5 for 1?
4) Did this soldier Bergdahl desert and break his oath?
5) Did this soldier aid and abed the enemy?
6) Did this soldier cause any US casualties?
7) Why is a trade good for Bergdahl and not a Marine in a Mexican jail?
What's up with the Marine in jail?

In Mexico? He made a wrong turn near the border. Had personal weapons in the car. Now he's in jail.

I used to live in San Diego and worked in this area for Pacific Bell/AT&T. I will say that this is very easy to do when you don't know the area. You reach a certain point on the roadway and there is no turnaround unless you cross the border and then come back into the US.

The president needs to step up and get this American Soldier freed. Period.
What's you guy's take on this abortion? Is he a traitor? Are his parents old hippies or taliban? What a tangled web we weave...

We never leave a man behind, PERIOD. What ever this man is or isn't can be hashed out now and I hope he gets to live whatever life he deserves.
About all I know is that the Press never has all their facts straight. Withholding judgement...
The President should freeze all money transfers from the U.S. to Mexico until our Marine is safely handed over to the Border Patrol., with an apology and a check for his pain and suffering.
Debrief Berhdahl, if he deserted and aided the enemy put a bullet in his head. Then take a drone and take out the 5 f&c$&rs we released. If he was a captured prisoner let him return home. Then take a drone and take out the 5 f&c$&rs we released.
Well I think right now it's too early in this situation to really understand what really happened, so many grey areas in this case no one really know how he was captured and what his though process was. He's from idaho which is where I'm from and live so I'm glad to have him back in his home state eventually
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