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Blaze Orange


Dec 14, 2017
On a Pronghorn hunt that requires one blaze orange item to be worn (eg Wyoming), would you go with a blaze orange vest or hat?
I don’t mind blaze orange so I always wear a vest, I would guess those who don’t like blaze orange will wear a hat. IMO it makes little difference but I’d assume most will prefer to wear a hat.
I want to reduce the chance that I am mistaken for anything other than a human so I wear a vest, tie a vest to my backpack, AND wear a hat!
Vest. I like to have only 1 hat that I utilize for hunting and take it off if I am too warm or leave it on when it is cold. With the variability in fall Wyoming weather, you will likely have multiple hats if you decide to go that route, but could get by with only 1 vest. Also, nothing says "Midwest hunter in Wyoming" like a blaze orange hat does.
I usually just wear a hat in Wyoming, but it doesn't really matter, those critters will see you coming no matter what you have on!
Hat. I got one of those blaze camo (legal in wy) ball cap that has become my lucky hat so always wear it. Any all day hunt i always pack a watch cap so i just pack a blaze one so either hat i wearis blaze. I just hate vests espically with backpack on and if i throw rain gear on it becomes a PIA. Good luck
Sometimes for antelope I will wear a vest just so the orange is not showing when I peak over hills. A hat is what most residents wear I believe. We have very few if any hunter incidents involving accidental shootings.
Just leave the full pumpkin suit at home, I have seen those in the field.
Camo orange is legal as ccc stated.
You'll be surprised how just a hat stands out in the field on other hunters.
That was kind of my thought was sky lining an orange hat over a ridge vs. the area of a full vest for a tall guy. That's my ultimate debate. Thanks for the thoughts guys. Interesting consideration.
In Montana... on opening weekend... orange long sleeve with orange hat.. orange pants if you can find we wear orange vests only and have no problem getting within range
Hat because I always wear one and it's easier on/off for changing layers or taking a dump while wearing bib overalls...
I usually wear a hat because i change layers often, making a vest inconvenient. I'll wear a vest when antelope hunting for the reason wytex stated.
I've got an orange/camo baseball cap and that's all I wear in Wyoming. I usually hunt weekdays, so the Orange Army isn't out in full force shooting up the place. Besides, I've been shot twice and it's not all that bad :W:
On a Pronghorn hunt that requires one blaze orange item to be worn (eg Wyoming), would you go with a blaze orange vest or hat?

Vest and hat. Antelope are color blind, and I don't care if people judge me. Antelope aren't that hard to get up on if you don't mind belly crawling and can keep from flapping your arms around like a moron. Waving a white t shirt helps sometimes if you're lazy..
Vests are a pain in the ass and always seem to get caught on the door handle when I can't get lined up over the mirror.
I just always wear a vest, here in MO we have to wear both. I will say my buddy was just wearing a hat this past fall in WY and I could pick him out from quite a distance. I would say either works as well probably just your preference.
I wear a ball cap in warm weather and have a stocking cap in my pack in case it gets cold and that's all I've worn to meet the hunter orange requirement out there for over 20 seasons.
I usually just wear a hat in Wyoming, but it doesn't really matter, those critters will see you coming no matter what you have on!

Nailed it. Their vision is just too good to really hide with camo. I live and hunt in Wyoming and have taken dozens of antelope over the years. Two tips. 1) use the terrain as cover, not camo. 2) in my experience, orange doesn't jump out to antelope like it does to humans, but blue (even a dull blue-grey) will get their attention real quick, so don't wear any blue.

I wear an orange hat.
a few years ago on the Idaho rifle opener for deer I shot a buck at first light was able to get him out in one trip since it was an all downhill pack, we are not required to wear orange in Idaho but I learned that the hard way had the buck in my pack headed out tines up.... first mistake heard a rifle shot ring out and dust kick up just above me and about 300 yards away I saw a guy high tailing it out of there realizing what kind of dumbass he was.... he is lucky I had a 100 plus pound pack on or else it would have been bad news for him so now I look like a pumpkin patch if I rifle hunt so long story short a vest and a hat does me good.

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