"Big Country"

Thread of the year contender, for sure.

I'm only 3 years ahead of you in the elk learning curve, so I can relate. I think almost everyone on this board can. There is something difficult about killing elk, I don't know what it is, and that's why any elk is a trophy in my book.

Don't get a guide. I guarantee once you bag that bull, you'll look back at this thread, read these replies and say "that's what they were talking about." All of the "failures" are an integral part of the success, and you'll realize that immediately after notching your tag next year. Your hunt this year was 100% a success, you'll see.
Appreciate the kind comments on the hunt and report. I am going right back next season but will have to go solo at this point. It will be a straight backpack hunt but I can do it. I've already learned a lot through GE review coupled with this year's boots on the ground experience. Will hit the gym starting in Feb.... after duck season. I will also work up a new load for the .280 with a 150gr or 160gr as well as bear down on reducing all non essentials in the pack.

Looking forward to it.

I loved your write up. think you had a great hunt. I know the beat down wore out feeling but it sounds like you are recharging. You have a great wilderness area to hunt and are getting ready to go again next year. Enjoy the journey.
Great write up - the word 'failure' never entered my mind reading it. You guys toughed it out and elk or no elk it was a successful hunt. Your comments about mild panic being turned around brought back memories where I felt like that caribou hunting. Everything looked the same and I swore my GPS was wrong. Fog reduced visibility to 30yards on the tundra and for a minute I was worried.

In the words of the mountain man "I ain't never been lost before but I have been a mite confused a time or two."
I can't believe I missed this the first time around. Great story! I wish you would have punched your tag, but the disappointment will slowly fade and leave you with only the good memories of the trip. Thanks for posting, you write very well!
Same here. Not sure where I was when this hit the board the first time.

I would agree with everyone else, as long as you are learning it was a sucess, it is all in what you take away. I am a novice elk hunter as well, and the struggle is what makes it worth your effort.