Best way to sell a used rifle?

I'm in the market for a bolt action .22 rifle. Send me some pics and your asking price, I'd like to see what you have.
There seems to be a lot of gun trading on Facebook these days. Look for "gun", "firearm", or "man stuff" groups in your area.
just picked up a Remington 597 on one of the facebook gun sites with 4.5-14 scope, laminated stock for $150. Some of those sites have some good deals especially when the person wants the cash like yesterday. A lot easier to pick up the guns than the ammunition. Have tried Gander Mountain, Fleet Farm, wally world... no one has any 22 lr or mag that is close.
Yup, put up a list and see what happens. Don't need to worry about an asking price yet, just list what you have and go from there.
Thanks for the sage advice, fellows. I'll snap some pix and post them when I get a free moment. And, sorry, Muleguy, I think I'll hang on to that Kimber for awhile, especially as I've got a handload that really makes it sing on key. :)