Beast mode

Me and Cameron Haines back in the day! BEAST MODE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
a la DinkShooter :)


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So you've laid in the tent during the rain for nearly 24 hours. You get up to take a leak, turn around and notice your brother with a chithead look in his eyes and a camera. You can't make it back to the tent in time with untied boots.

His self-promotion got him a sweet gig with UA...and Hoyt...Easton...Spot-Hogg...Tenzing...and he gets to do what most guys on here want to do...hunt everywhere and all the time...
As far as the training...he has proven the mental part...he gets up everyday at 5am to that is boring...the workouts...for some people fun...but most would have to push through it...
Do you have to do he shot 10 arrows last year and had 10 animals to show for does help...I know too many guys that pick up their rifles or bows only when the season gets have to practice year round...there is a reason 10% of the hunters kill 90% of the game...they are the guys working at it all year. These guys are not poaching animals...even if the rumors from jealousville tell you that...these guys are working harder than you, both during the season and year round...rant over! :)

Go tuck Cameron in and kiss him on the cheek...he has to wake up at 5 am.

This thread was actually going pretty good until the man-crush happened.
He gets up at 5 and works out because he is now getting paid to be that person and do that. I have a sister who is a personal trainer. She placed in the top 10 at the World Miss Fitness. She gets paid to eat good, train like a crazy person and make inspirational clips like this one.

Not sure where I am going with this:confused::):) Oh yea that's the reason I don't get up at 5 and do pull ups with my wife on my back.....I'm not getting paid to do it:rolleyes:
He gets up at 5 and works out because he is now getting paid to be that person and do that. I have a sister who is a personal trainer. She placed in the top 10 at the World Miss Fitness. She gets paid to eat good, train like a crazy person and make inspirational clips like this one.

Not sure where I am going with this:confused::):) Oh yea that's the reason I don't get up at 5 and do pull ups with my wife on my back.....I'm not getting paid to do it:rolleyes:

For some reason the pictures of your sister are not loading
I heard Lee pulled his Hammy hanging a camera. It's not a joke you can get hurt putting too many of them up. Maybe he pulled it climbing into the tour bus.......either way it's dangerous ;)

At the end of the day that makes him a lucky sob cause Tiffany is going to be there to take care of him....:)
I'm jealous of anyone who has figured out how to make a successful living in this industry..but that beast mode junk is a load of crap. I'm all for staying in shape and working out all year..I do it myself, but anyone who thinks they have to go through that garbage and shoot arrows 365 days a year to be a good hunter is pretty damn dumb.

I made it through about 30 seconds of that video..probably one of the stupidest things I have ever seen. Maybe I'll be more interested when Gordon Eastman's or Fred Bear's "Beast Mode" video comes out..I'm sure they where doing the same type of thing. :rolleyes:

On second thought..if would have done more bicep curls or watched Gladiator a few more times, I probably would have shot a bigger bull this year.

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