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Be The Decoy Questions


New member
Dec 19, 2010
Kuna, Idaho
Any suggestions on ways to make this "be the decoy" work. Just bought it yesterday--looking forward to using it this weekend.

I know I have read about Big Fin acting like he was rutting or something-- I also have read about if the atnelope notice you, just mill around until they settle down.

Anyone have any other ideas?

Big Fin--what do you do when you act as though you are rutting?

Thanks and Good Luck!!!
Almost afraid to ask but where do you get the decoy set?? I am headed out in Oct for the rifle hunt Wyo hunt,
google----be the decoy antelope

I agree, probably not something you want you use during a rifle hunt.

Good Luck!
I agree 100%! Unless you want someone to put their tag on you! LOL
Use the decoy as another spot and stalk tool. Try to stay out of view as long as possible while approaching. When spotted, you don't need to act all aggressive. Make slight movements with you head and maybe swing an arm. If this is the first time using the decoy, just be patient if spotted. Just stop and sit if spotted from a distance. Move again when they start feeding or moving.

Many ways to use this decoy set up. Trial and error just like any other decoy.
I hope your joking :confused: Unless you have a terminal illness I'd highly advise against using this product during a rifle season.

Probably not the smartest thing I have ever considered :W: my luck there is a near sighted colorblind hunter out there :)

Is this why my LT kept telling me to "move out, draw fire" ???
I have "Be the Decoy" and the "Dutton decoy" & an antelope challenge call. I'll probably try all three in some various combinations. This should be interesting.

Good luck to all
the dog
unless you are wanting to be shot, do not use this during rifle season. LOL I am glad you are thinking about it now though.
You wait until they are rutting won't have to do much...better beable to shoot well under preasure..or under a charge. I am letting my wife do the rut hunt this year...should be some great footage. :)

You can use it early like Randy does too...just as a security Joe said...stay out of sight get in their security range..and stir their curiousity.

Good Luck and happy hunting! has a list of can order there too!
unless you are wanting to be shot, do not use this during rifle season. LOL I am glad you are thinking about it now though.

I live three miles from Detroit, if I wanted to get shot,,,, a rebel flag and a good loud C&W station would trump driving out west :) Thanks, I am headed out for the first time and would like any advantage A newbie can get, I wonder if our whitetails here are that easy to fool?? ( I hunt private property in N/E mich)
white t shirts are good camo for lopers too,,,takes the fun out of it when that old pickup truck slides to a stop and the beer cans tumble out with the hunters,,,better take the decoy hat off then and look for cover!!!
thinking now of parking my truck and scattering beer cans around it,,, :) hunter repellent ?? I like being alone when hunting, less people to screw up a hunt, and only one to blame,, and if he keeps his mouth shut :) that miss at 50 yards didnt happen :)
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