Be careful where you plant your butt to glass!


Well-known member
Sep 16, 2018
Almost sat on a freaking Black Widow today while glassing for Mulies! SW Montana. Was not expecting to see this in November up in the mountains. Getting bit in the wood shed is one thing where you're in town and close to help. Could be a bad day getting bit by one of these up on the mountain.

Think about how the itsy bitsy spider felt with him almost being sat on. Somewhere out there is a black widower spider now. My biggest freak out moment with widow was crawling in a crawl space in Idaho to insulate it and having dozens of them in the tight confines of that crawl space. No thanks!
Think about how the itsy bitsy spider felt with him almost being sat on. Somewhere out there is a black widower spider now. My biggest freak out moment with widow was crawling in a crawl space in Idaho to insulate it and having dozens of them in the tight confines of that crawl space. No thanks!
If that was your house I'm assuming you moved?
Seems we instinctively do a cursory sweep of the area to sit...
This thread has branded that instinct.

Gracias! 🙂
That would have scared the crap out of me I thought you were going to just tell us that you got a but full of thorns or needles that's much worse
My wife almost set fire to our house the other day, instead she beat this wolf spider to death with a mop...that is my thumb in the pic...View attachment 118839
The wolf spider is the only spider you should want. They eat all the other spiders and leave you alone. Your wife accidentally helped all the bad spiders with her frantic mop
Uggh, I hate spiders. Been a long time since I've seen a black widow. I probably would've sat right on it.
The wolf spider is the only spider you should want. They eat all the other spiders and leave you alone. Your wife accidentally helped all the bad spiders with her frantic mop

Yeah, I was actually out helping a buddy pack a bull that weekend, otherwise I would have spared it...kinda sorry I missed the show though, was probably hilarious
A friend of mine got bit by a black widow on our way to do some chainsawing (it was in his dirty pair of pants he was changing into as we drove). As soon as he recognized what it was, I made a quick U-turn and started hauling butt to the nearest hospital (about 30 mins away). He called his wife before 911, lol. I think they actually patched his call through to the ER (or maybe he called the ER??). Anyway, when he got hold of someone, they said something to the effect of, "Well, if you're not dead yet, you'll probably be fine." LOL

So, we turned around again and cut firewood for a few hours. He had bad flu-like symptoms for a few days (soreness, tired, etc) and then was fine.
We used to kill dozens of those things every year at one of my wastewater treatment plants. Most of the time, they were in dark corners, under floor gratings, etc. I never paid much attention to them, other than watching what I grabbed before I grabbed it, until I found one up under the corner of my desk. I can't imagine how long that thing had been there or how close I'd came to putting my knee right on him. After that, I have a guy come in and spray all buildings/equipment twice per year. I've only found 1 or 2 since. I hate them. I've only known one person that was bite by a black widow and she was sick like COEngineer said, except it lasted about a month with her. I think the brown recluse bite can be much worse. I wouldn't want either though!
Upon seeing the title of this tread, I thought, "When will BigFin learn that cactus are not seat cushions?" There was at least 2-3 episodes where he was getting needles pulled out by some poor innocent soul. However that has been a few season ago since I have had a good laugh over that.
A friend of mine got bit by a black widow on our way to do some chainsawing (it was in his dirty pair of pants he was changing into as we drove). As soon as he recognized what it was, I made a quick U-turn and started hauling butt to the nearest hospital (about 30 mins away). He called his wife before 911, lol. I think they actually patched his call through to the ER (or maybe he called the ER??). Anyway, when he got hold of someone, they said something to the effect of, "Well, if you're not dead yet, you'll probably be fine." LOL

So, we turned around again and cut firewood for a few hours. He had bad flu-like symptoms for a few days (soreness, tired, etc) and then was fine.


Y'all are tougher than I am lol.

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