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AZSFW rebranded and back for more tags!


Active member
Jan 1, 2003
Today we learn that AZSFW has changed their name to Same people, same plan. Take hundreds of tags out of the draw, sell them to the highest bidder, allegedly to fight the likes of HSUS. There is a large and expanding thread on with links to podcasts. The folks behind this new tag grab actually make comments on the podcast that they want to "follow the Utah model", and "it's only a few hundred tags, less than 1% of all tags", and most laughable that "Don Peay is great". It's hard to believe this is happening again, but this time they promise transparency(yeah right).

Just wanted to give a heads up. I am concerned that the current commission has just enough AZSFW supporters to tip this thing the wrong direction. If you are up to it, send them an email!
Az sfw tried to get the az legislature to give them 350 tags so they could create an AZ expo and auction them off. Among the players were Floyd green and chris Denham of western hunter/wilderness athlete. When the heat got too much to bear the bills sponsor pulled the plug so the leader went direct to the governor and tried to get it passed as emergency legislation. To Denhams credit, he bailed fairly early.
Zim was instrumental in getting a light shined on the bill and getting it in front of the news media.
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"...they want to "follow the Utah model", and "it's only a few hundred tags, less than 1% of all tags", and most laughable that "Don Peay is great". It's hard to believe this is happening again, but this time they promise transparency(yeah right). "

Well put! I've been closely following these topics a long time. IMO, There's some nice Folks in Utah, some, but i see the "Utah model" as being run by a astoundingly corrupt bunch of cronies who would take our better tags, public land, accesses, and hunting rights only to better their own hunts and further line their own pockets, common man be damned.

Popcorn anyone?
I'll have to get on to get more of a background on this issue. I really haven't heard of this before.
All anyone needs to know about SFW is what WapitiBob and uncle sage stated. It, along with Big Game Forever, was started by Don Peay! Don Peay is not a great guy, LOL, and has actually come out in public stating that we need to rethink the North American Model (NAM) and privatize the wildlife throughout the United States just like in Europe. That should be enough to tell everyone that he and the rest of his ilk need to stay the H*** in Utah! They have also tried to make inroads in Idaho, but thank God aren't having much success infiltrating it. They also have lost the majority of members in Wyoming when the Cody Chapter dropped out due to lack of transparency of where all their fund raising money was going because none of it was coming back to Cody for all the hard work they were doing. No Sir, SFW is the scourge of the west and needs to be kept to no more than it is right now in Utah where they have more tags taken from the tag pools than all the other western states put together!
I just talked to someone that has been involved from the start of this. It was organized to fight the lion and bobcat hunting ban. The old SFW guys came in with their political expertise to save us all. Claiming transparency and that they would not control the tags. I pointed out that Don Peay was a master politician and would be behind the scenes until he took the deal over. He said that the local SFW guys never mentioned Don's name one time. No wonder, we remember the last time he was involved in stealing tags here. I think the HSUS initiative is the excuse to get the ball rolling for SFW. Just my opinion.
Go to the podcast and fast forward to 1:02:38. I am not sure who was speaking but they love Don Peay! This thing stinks.
How do we cut off this snake's head and kill it once and for all??

By staying involved just a like a lot of the members here are doing on all the other issues facing us nowadays! We can't let our guard down for one second or the bass turds will slip in a back door somewhere while we're watching the front door. It sounds like they're using the lion and bobcat situation just like SFW and BGF tried to use the wolf situation to better themselves in the pocket book. If you listen to Peay and Benson you would think they got us where we are on the the wolf situation all by themselves when actually they were the bunch that damn near derailed the whole deal when ID and MT finally got them delisted. IMHO they are worse than HSUS or PETA because at least we know where they are coming from against us, where Peay and his cronies are a bunch of snakes that are only out to line their own pockets while trying to make out like they are one of us! God forbid if they ever get the leverage in any other state like they have now in Utah because they run the Wildlife Board, the DWR, and the rest of that state all the way up to and including the Governor's Office!
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Here is the link to the podcast regarding this new attempt to remove and sell tags from the draw. I am not promoting or advertising this person's podcast. This is the first time I have ever listened to one, and probably the last. If BigFin wants the link removed that's fine with me.

Link to the episode 423 Jay Scott Outdoors Podcast

All the commissioners can be contacted thru this page

Thanks for the commissioners' link. Just emailed all of them. If hunter recruitment matters at all to these folks, they should see what a bad idea it is to take tags out of the general pool to be auctioned to the few who can afford it.
Well, this is interesting. Here’s the response I got back from Commissioner Kurt Davis:

“Thanks for the note. They have no request for auction tags. Regards, Kurt”

So, huh?
Well, that confirms he is a Yes vote for this. He is specifically mentioned at the 1 minute 30 second mark or so of the meeting podcast so I am sure he is aware of the plans. Technically they haven't made the request yet, not until the May meeting in Kingman according to what I heard. Only need 2 more commissioners for a majority. Jim Ammons is on record for donating to Arizona Sportsmen for Wildlife Political Action Committee a couple years ago so he is probably on board. Which of the 3 remaining will it be...
Write the Governor, legislators and the Commission. Tell them about this effort and what happened in 2012 and in Utah. Remind them that Jerry Wiers was a buddy of Don Peay and introduced the tag bill in 2012. His daughter's lobbying firm was hired by SFW for the same effort. You know they are already involved in lobbying our politicians to get this done. They want transparency so give them a good dose with Lysol in it.
AZ Sportsmen’s Constituency Group

Back in 2012 after the Utah scammers where exposed, a Sportsmen’s Constituency Group was formed by the state, with the primary purpose to cut off future special interest group shenanigans before they are able to grease too many politicians. Their monthly meetings could be viewed online. Anyone know if this group still exists, and what they are doing about this?

I am so sick of this corrupt Don Peay and his formula of taking over wildlife boards. This clown just takes advantage of & undermines a political process intended to manage natural resources responsibly. He's the epitomy of a Utah charlatan. His bunch has more scandals & corruption than you can shake a stick at.
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From the website:

'For Immediate Release:
The Humane Society of the United States and their Arizona Shell Organization, Arizonans for Wildlife, Admit Major Defeat by a Coalition of Arizona Wildlife Conservationists
Phoenix- The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), a scandal laden political organization, waited until a slow news holiday weekend to announce their stunning failure to qualify an anti-science based wildlife management initiative for the upcoming 2018 ballot."


Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!

You just can't make this stuff up.
Pretty good discussion on another forum. Other than Pete Cemillero, the board appears receptive to tactics other than auction tags.
By staying involved just a like a lot of the members here are doing on all the other issues facing us nowadays! We can't let our guard down for one second or the bass turds will slip in a back door somewhere while we're watching the front door. It sounds like they're using the lion and bobcat situation just like SFW and BGF tried to use the wolf situation to better themselves in the pocket book. If you listen to Peay and Benson you would think they got us where we are on the the wolf situation all by themselves when actually they were the bunch that damn near derailed the whole deal when ID and MT finally got them delisted. IMHO they are worse than HSUS or PETA because at least we know where they are coming from against us, where Peay and his cronies are a bunch of snakes that are only out to line their own pockets while trying to make out like they are one of us! God forbid if they ever get the leverage in any other state like they have now in Utah because they run the Wildlife Board, the DWR, and the rest of that state all the way up to and including the Governor's Office!

Sorry for the ignorance, what's SFW, HSUS, DWR?
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