Caribou Gear Tarp

AZ Unit 9 - Elk Hunting Camping Spots


Well-known member
Jan 1, 2001
My daughter was fortunate enough to draw a random early rifle elk tag for September. We will be there early to scout and have the whole season to hunt. If those familiar with unit 9, do you have any recommendations for good camping spots. We will be in a wall tent and are looking for some shade and protection from the wind. Any ideas would be appreciated. Thank you and have a great afternoon!

Sorry, no help here, but man what a nice draw! You obviously know what kind of opportunity you are getting into. Good luck in your preparation and have fun!
If you stay east of the 64 headed into Tusayan, you will be in tall pine with good shade and wind protection. It can be crowded with tourist campers, but if you are willing to get more than a mile off of the pavement they will thin out quickly. Grandview is also good with the same thing. Get away a mile or two from pavement and it thins out. There are a few maintained roads through the Kaibab National Forest. 302 is a main one just past the traffic circle heading into Tusayan, and the 310 is the Grandview fire tower road easiest accessed through Grand Canyon NPS. These are graveled and passible in most weather conditions.

West of the 64 is lower in elevation and also has good hunting, but is more juniper pine and sage flats. Finding good wind protection is doable, but takes more looking.

They do run cattle in the Kaibab National Forest and that has had the most affect on finding Elk I've seen. You will find good Elk on both sides of the 64. The best will stand right next to the road in the National Park and taunt you. Ask me how I know.

Grand View is a great start and makes it easy to get to the Grand View view point in the park. It is worth taking in the Grand canyon while you are there.

Non graveled road can get slick and nasty in the rain, just something to keep in mind.

Congratulations and good luck!

P.S. The east park entrance Desert View point has a convenience shop and gas station not too far from Grand Viee
Get yourself a USFS map as well as OnX and you will be good to go. A lot will depend on this summer's monsoon. It's a big area on both sides of the main highway and water is important. 9 is pretty much flat and thick so glassing is difficult. Get up there and get familar. Elk can be found from cataract canyon on the west (Babbitt ranch) to the Navajo Res on the east and more Babbitt property on the east. The Babbitt land is open for hunting, but DON'T TRASH IT. I'd check out the Michigan tank area on the east, Skinner ridge in the middle and 7 mile tank on the west. Check out the Grand Canyon park boundary full length and look for crossings. GJ
This isn’t about camping, but to spin off what grand Juan said… Get a good weather app on your phone and when this summer‘s monsoon storms roll through, watch the Doppler radar. Take screenshots of the heaviest areas of precipitation. If the monsoon is fickle this summer, you will likely find some of your unit has better vegetation than other parts. That should coincide with the precipitation from your screenshots, and wildlife should be congregated accordingly.
This isn’t about camping, but to spin off what grand Juan said… Get a good weather app on your phone and when this summer‘s monsoon storms roll through, watch the Doppler radar. Take screenshots of the heaviest areas of precipitation. If the monsoon is fickle this summer, you will likely find some of your unit has better vegetation than other parts. That should coincide with the precipitation from your screenshots, and wildlife should be congregated accordingly.
That is very appreciated. I will set it up now and thank you for the advice!