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Arizona Enviromentalists stealing tags?


Nov 30, 2004
Great Falls, MT
I am pretty much clueless about all the hunting politics going on in arizona. But I just got off the phone with my brother-in-law who lives in MESA, and he was saying BESIDES all the politics going on, another big problem in arizona is the enviromentalists putting in for the ELK draws, and if they draw out, just throw the tags in the garbage therefore reduceing the opportunities for hunters. Is this true, and if so, how big of a problem is it? I wonder if this is going on in other states?
You also sound pretty clueless about Environmental politics too. Perhaps you should read up on the same, and then perhaps read up a bit on stealing. If you want THE best read on Environmental politics in AZ, you should read The Monkey Wrench Gang by Edward Abbey.

How can somebody who puts in for a tag, is drawn, and then pays for the tag be accused of stealing?

And before you go accusing "environmentalists", you should figure out who you are really accusing. I am guessing that you really meant Animal Rights Activists but you weren't smart enough to know the difference.
If you pay the $$$ and apply and draw, you can do with that tag as you please.

I dont see much difference in that and some dipshit putting in for a tag, hunting one or two days and never leaving the seat of an ATV...but whining the whole time about not seeing any game...

I know lots of hunters that have drawn tags and never bothered to hunt at all.

This is a non-issue.
Jose, I wasnt accusing anyone of stealing tags if you will notice a question mark at the end of my posting. Question marks mean I have a question and I am looking for information. Yes I dont understand environmental politics, I'll admit it. Therefore I was asking a QUESTION. OK now Putting it in your definitions (since you seem to know about this) maybe you can help me. Is it a big problem? Yes or No. Is it going on in other states? Yes or No. Oh and by the way thanks for the reading reference. Its not about being smart its about being educated to new information (which this is for me).
Peta has long encouraged its members to apply for limited entry tags as part of their larger campaign to deny hunters any opportunity to hunt. So it is stealing, even if only on an idealogical level.

GF, it does happen in varying degrees from state to state but there's no real numbers on how many tags they get since they (ARA's) don't publish those numbers when they draw.

Jose, time to change your tampon. GF asked a sincere, albeit clumsily worded question and you bitched him for not being Aldo Leopold.
dang guys

its a wonder why anyone would put up a post asking a question to assholes like this .the guy was just asking a question, its guys like josecuervo that ruins these kind of sites . so much for hunters sticking together. :BLEEP:
GF, don't bother with Jose...

He has bigger issues and you will get no honest help from him, only snotty comments because he has a cloud over his head... Sorry, some people are just like that.. :)
HoseB is back and as congenial as ever. That warms my heart. Kind of like indigestion....

GF, from the information I've been able to get on this subject, there are generally 200 to 300 tags that are drawn annually that report 0 days spent hunting or don't respond to the survey at all. It's hard to tell from these which are Jose's friends and which are hunters who could not get out. AZGF makes an adjustment for this in the numbers of tags that are made available. So it is really a non-issue from the standpoint of availability of tags.

Just for informations sake, I've also been told by a reputable source here at work, that if the bunny huggers send the tags to Peta, they get re-embursed for the expenditure. How nice..

Looks like the undercover gay PETA members are back! Hose-A and his brother Hose-B. As for the tags let hem contribute as much as they want then when the harvest % is below target G&F will raise tag numbers which makes the activists contributors to improving hunting in a positive way. I doubt that is what they had in mind but they have proven in the past that common sense is a rare commodity.
Now theres a racket...

I wonder if they would reimburse the tags after the season???

Just for informations sake, I've also been told by a reputable source here at work, that if the bunny huggers send the tags to Peta, they get re-embursed for the expenditure. How nice..

That certainly would make the hunts cheaper and pull money away from PETA's lawyers... :eek: :D:D:D
Hey DanR, how come you always have to include whatever medical ailments are troubling you in your posts? You are getting to be like the other 80 year old hypochondriacs at the nursing home. When was the last time you actually got out and hunted and killed a game animal, that wasn't in Texas? And you waste time posting on Hunting Forums? Next thing you post, you will be trying to pick up fat chicks on hunting forums..... hump

idscout2 said:
its a wonder why anyone would put up a post asking a question to assholes like this .the guy was just asking a question, its guys like josecuervo that ruins these kind of sites . so much for hunters sticking together. :BLEEP:

Hey IDscout, just who should we hunter "stick together" with? People who are accusing "environmentalists of stealing tags"? Sorry, but if you have a shred of ethics, you don't stick together with someone who is spreading lies just because they hunt. Or do you??

And despite GF's statement of "Iwill notice a question mark at the end of my posting." he acutally typed:
GFHunter said:
another big problem in arizona is the enviromentalists putting in for the ELK draws, and if they draw out, just throw the tags in the garbage therefore reduceing the opportunities for hunters.
(notice the lack of a question mark.)

Hey Cheese,
Any particular reason you are too stupid to actually comment on the topic at hand? Or better yet, why comment at all, as you add nothing.

And GF,
One should never throw broad labels out on groups. If you are going to make accusations at people, know who you are talking about. RMEF, DU, TU and the likes are all "environmentalists" as they are working to make the habitat better for yours and MY hunting. Let's celebrate their efforts instead of trying to lump them in with PETA and the likes.

Hey Erik,
Don't you still owe me a beer or two??? :D
I have come across several sites that give animal rights activists tips on how to stir chit up at hunting sites. GFHunter, I think Josey is just pissed because you called him/her an evironmentalist instead of what he/she really is.
Hey Big Sky,
Probably a reason why you do what you do, if you are so stupid as to think that "environmentalists" are stealing elk tags.

And to think you have access to teaching children.....

May God give them the wisdom to know when you are full of shit.
Although Jose could have been more considerate in the manner in which he said it, I have to agree that you should be careful to not use the term "envirnomentalist" as if it is the same as "animal rights activists," because they are not the same.

to answer your question, it has never been proven. could it happen ? hell ya is it just peta hell? No
I know quite a few guys that couldnt go on hunts they got drawn for, I didnt hunt on th eonly turkey tag I have ever been drawn for many many years ago.

It seems to be a big rumor in az that this has been happening, I think the rumor was started due to the fact people need all the excueses they can get to feel better about themselves when they dont get drawn.

Just like when someone doesnt kill an animal they say some hunter/atver caused the problem when in fact its not true.

Welcome back Jose ;)

Any particular reason you are too stupid to actually comment on the topic at hand? Or better yet, why comment at all, as you add nothing.

As did you guner/sybil/josee... :rolleyes:

Some one steal your crayons again so you need to come back here and stir the pot for no apperent reason than to type with one hand and hold your... er... what ever it is with the other???

Theres three question marks, but I wouldn't figure any would be answered seeing as they never are....
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