Anyone getting antsy for results??


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2002
AZ should be posting Elk/lope results pretty darn fast. I guess with all I have been hearing about lower app numbers and guys only putting in for points I am a little more hopefull than past years, but i did put in for some fairly hard draws.
Good luck to you all, excepts for you that drew last year:D
Talked with a local Warden last week, he said apps were about the same as last year. I'm guessing a lot of those are bonus point only apps though.

Results could be out anytime. They've changed their message. It was saying no results available, now it gives you the Spring Results.
I'm not antsy. I know I'm gonna draw. I mean crap, I've got five points. I'm almost guaranteed with that. No need to be antsy. :p

.......Damn it, get them posted
Stan, the message didn't change, it just depends on when you hit 2. If wait until he gives the address, and then press 2, same old message. I kind of thought they would have come out today. Man I want my elk tag, but would be happy to draw a lope 2 years in row. :)
I think I'll draw the tri-fecta this year in AZ...elk, sheep, and deer.

I'll be lucky to draw one...but you gotta believe.
I think I'll draw the tri-fecta this year in AZ...elk, sheep, and deer.

I'll be lucky to draw one...but you gotta believe.

Of all the draws, I think sheep will be down the most as far as apps go. With the economy the way it is, foks may only put in for 1 hunt, that being either elk or deer. So your chances are going to be much better because I think it will hold true for NR as well. 20 percent cap is always a hurdle though.
Stan, the message didn't change, it just depends on when you hit 2. If wait until he gives the address, and then press 2, same old message.

I'm a loser, not as big a loser as schmalts though.

The last few years the results have been out mid-week. Last year was March 26th, a Wednesday. I'd say Tuesday or Wednesday are good bets.
I'm getting excited to see if I was drawn this year. I'd love to get some more meat in the freezer. I bet they won't post results for another 2-3 weeks.
I bet they won't post results for another 2-3 weeks.

It's almost always been about six weeks after the application period ended. They'll be out within a week. (Six weeks is March 24th, I'd bet the 25th will be post date.)

Unless there is a major mess up that is. Fall, Spring and Winter draws have pretty much followed that 6 week trend.
I'm a loser, not as big a loser as schmalts though.

Damn right your not, there isn't anything that you can do better than me:D
Damn you guys are really excited, your talking about the sheep draw before the apps are even done!
I hopw you're right AZ402. I need them to hurry up and draw so I can wait for 6 months for the actual hunt :) Hurry up and wait... What units did you put in for this year for elk and lope?
I put in 9 and 10 for lope, and Elk... I really don't remember off the top of my head. All I know is they were Muzz hunts
I am extremly antsy. I am hoping this is my year to make the drive from ND. 23S and 1 archery elk. I will be worthless at work for the next few days!
You guys ain't drawing shit. Neither am I and I have 11 points and put in for archery hunts.

23S was appealing because there are only 15 tags for the archery hunt and unit 1 because I know a few others that have drawn there and had great hunting experiences and are willing to share some information. Coming from out of state that meant a lot. If I draw either unit, I plan on flying down and scouting for 3-4 days the end of August with a friend who lives in Gold Canyon.


I hope to prove you wrong. I have 12 points and it's been a long wait! I don't feel confident enough to bet you a couple cases of beer though!! I have seen you put the hurt to Schmalts with your predictions in the past.

23S was appealing because there are only 15 tags for the archery hunt and unit 1 because I know a few others that have drawn there and had great hunting experiences and are willing to share some information. Coming from out of state that meant a lot. If I draw either unit, I plan on flying down and scouting for 3-4 days the end of August with a friend who lives in Gold Canyon.

I hunted 1 archery with my brother in law 2 years ago and we saw quite a few 300-330 bulls but no montsers. It was a great area though and we saw and heard a ton of action.
I put in for 1 as my second choice this year.

Good luck to all! You all have way more bonus points than I do (2).
INside line says the week of April 12 we should begin to have some results available. Possibly as early as April 10.

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