Another TV guy gets caught and pays; but not enough

:mad: May his company get pushed into a ravine and the inventory tossed in a creek.

Sissies have restricted their marketing page at Facebook so posts are reviewed prior to being posted. C'mon, be proud of your intentional behavior. This was not an innocent mistake where was 10 feet over an unmarked property line of forgot to sign a tag or cut the wrong day on the permit upon harvest. This was a shot that dropped an elk and he kept shooting and then left the first elk, a calf, to rot. Any ideas to link the brand to the action? I tend to think the internet is a poor choice to hang out if you behave badly. Streisand effect, and all.
I have a severe dislike of that show, only watched part of it once. I haven't bought their products for a while now I won't at all. I wish he would have gotten a more harsh sentence maybe not suspended jail time and not unsupervised probation, he had already admitted to breaking the law the year before. If I was Louisiana I'd watch close as he has no privileges there now.
The article is inaccurate. They refer to this dbag as a "hunter" and a "star". Willfull wanton waste is unforgivable.
Wildgame Nation, heard of them but the name alone is one reason I never watched a second of it. Fresh Tracks, Western Hunter, if I never heard of or seen either, the name itself would suggest I give it a try. Too much of a generalization I suppose.
I watched a few minutes of that show a few times and the whole thing really turned me off. It doesn't surprise me one bit that he got nailed for all those violations and IMHO for being a repeat violator he should have received at least a ten year loss of privileges in all 45 states and done some jail time to think about his crimes that don't help the hunting community one bit!
If you're going to stupid sh&t don't film it. Must've made this a pretty easy case.

Why the H were they so light on this guy? Not like he's a first time offender. I guess when you pay for a commissioners license and own a big ranch you get star treatment.
once a poacher always a poacher, taking away his license wont keep him from killing animals on that ranch, when he and his sons are sitting together you never know which one pulled the trigger, he comes off as having quite an attitude , never meet him in person though,,,, needs some serious jail time for rest and reflection i think,,,
I can't stand that d-bag or his sons, or the show for that matter.

Couldn't of said it any better myself, unfortunately I've caught bits and pieces of that show before. Shows like there's are the reason I don't have sportsman or outdoor channel anymore.
Almost forgot about the part of the story where Mr big shot has the ranch manager come gut and haul the bull out with a backhoe?!? Lazy SOB, I guess he can't be bothered with such menial chores being he is(was)a TV star...
I spent the weekend with the Montana Hunter Ed volunteers, giving the key note to their group on Saturday night. This topic was the focus of much discussion and was a big part of my comments to them. They are the volunteers who are doing so much for hunting. Their effort has some serious headwinds due to the manner in which outdoor TV operates. I'm completely over it.

I just posted the comments below on my FB channel, specifically tagging the network that airs this piece of junk show. I expect my emails in the morning will be interesting.

Time for everyone to start putting pressure on the networks and sponsors for airing this junk and shows produced by others with hunting rap sheets. If I were to do some of the stuff the "Chosen Few" have done, the network would toss me before morning. Yet, this group of ass clowns who all hang out together at the trade shows, have each other on their shows, seem to have a free pass. I'm not sure why, but I'm done with it.

I hope you will contact networks and sponsors when you see stuff like this being put out there as the image of hunting. And if you are on FB and want to share my post, that would be great. Click the image below.

OC joker.png
Wow Randy. ...RMEF even shared your post and took a stand...impressive
I am glad that RMEF posted your thoughts as well! These guys are making the entire hunting industry look bad and the Outdoor channel will still promote them.
What's so sad is that it could have been a teachable moment if he had admitted to it and turned himself in. He could have inspired people to do the right thing when an error like that happens. Instead he tried to cover it up. What a jerk.
I never seen this show, but wow, how can the Outdoor channel be so out of touch of the reality of what airs?

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