And the Hits just keep on coming....WY now.

Golfing is definitely cheaper. I always thought golf was for the rich/elite country club dwellers. Looks like I might have had it backwards.
I can definitely golf a lot throughout the summer at a fraction of the cost I have invested in hunting each fall.
Hunting is certainly waaaaay more expensive than skiing. You can do an awesome weekend cat skiing for cheaper than a DIY WY elk hunt, you can go heli skiing for cheaper than a guided one.
This aint the With bump wyoming will still see record applications next year including many of you "take my ball and go home guys"..relax its just getting inline with rest of states
I’m ok with cost increase. Hell I’m already driving across the country and spending a few k. What’s another few hundred. What sucks is cutting the tags. We will go from hunting every 3 years to every 6. Guess I’ll need to come up with a plan b for next year. Had planned on Wyoming with my son in celebration of his college graduation
Long over-due...CO needs to start thinking of their resident hunters first.
Personally, I hope CO holds the line. I really hope allocations stay the same and prices don't rise more than the normal CPI adjustment.

CO provides most of the nations NR opportunity. Point creep is going to be f-ing nuts everywhere if CO did something like going to 10% allocation for NR.

More than 50% of people who hunt elk in another state do it in CO.
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Pendulum will find it's resistance or... wages increase along with the cost of milk.
$1,100 is out of my league to join a friend in WY next year. All respect for WY residents. It seems this bill, as one of the mountain States, if not a leading State for elk, is catching up with the cha-ching of others.
Hunting is certainly waaaaay more expensive than skiing. You can do an awesome weekend cat skiing for cheaper than a DIY WY elk hunt, you can go heli skiing for cheaper than a guided one.
Till the residents get skiing banned for non residents on federal land unless you bring a resident along also. You must not have a big family. 6 people costs a little over 1000 for 2 days skiing at keystone.
Till the residents get skiing banned for non residents on federal land unless you bring a resident along also. You must not have a big family. 6 people costs a little over 1000 for 2 days skiing at keystone.
My wife works a lot so I'm mostly rolling solo ;)... touché
You can withdraw your application or modify until if this were to pass, wouldn't be effective until 2022.
I didn't apply. I almost did and instead decided to go the antelope route this year. So there is nothing for me to alter. If I had known this was coming I likely would have drawn in with the 6 points I have for elk and at least played the cards I was dealt.

Essentially, in 2022 (Next years draw) the tags for non-residents will be cut in half if this passes?
Price increase and quota will put it more inline with other states. Most agree that the days of NR average Joe’s hunting big game will slowly fade away with increased prices and diminished opportunity. Laws of supply and demand.....

Without all those Nonresidents hunting every year, who is gonna be #sickforit and buy all that fancy gear the industry pushes?
I wonder how long it will be before elk hunting is a once in 10 year activity for nonresidents at best.
It already is pretty much there. Actually quite a bit more than that if you happen to have your heart set on a particular area.

I'm hoping to cash in this year and then be done with elk hunting, probably for the rest of my life. It is much closer to 1/life than 1/10 in many instances (all of those regions already at +10 points for instance).

In the end, this will cost Wyoming money eventually. Out of staters will just refuse to pay.
Price increase and quota will put it more inline with other states. Most agree that the days of NR average Joe’s hunting big game will slowly fade away with increased prices and diminished opportunity. Laws of supply and demand.....

Without all those Nonresidents hunting every year, who is gonna be #sickforit and buy all that fancy gear the industry pushes?
It's perfect actually, they can be #sickforit just as much and not even have to bother with the hassle of hunting. :)
Personally, I hope CO holds the line. I really hope allocations stay the same and prices don't rise more than the normal CPI adjustment.

CO provides most of the nations NR opportunity. Point creep is going to be f-ing nuts everywhere if CO did something like going to 10% allocation for NR.

More than 50% of people who hunt elk in another state do it in CO.

i only half agree with you.

i think colorado needs to reign it in a little at the least.

we have excellent hunting overall in this state. honestly really good. but i still look at much of the colorado experience and find that things are a little out of control and we need to do a little more to work on a better balance between opportunity and quality. and one of the first places to look there is OTC opportunity, both R and NR; also the insanely generous NR allocation you find in the A LOT of limited deer and elk units. i want a quality experience in my state and I personally think a lot of work can be done on that front.

if it's gonna get really hard to tags in the highest quality state in the lower 48, can we please focus on higher quality where I live?

and while we don't want to be the harbingers of horrific west wide point creep if we drastically cut NR elk opportunity, at the same time, as a coloradan my NR opportunity is getting wrecked every where i look, why should I (coloradans) be the only ones to sacrifice their home state (R) opportunity/quality for the NRs?
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I am going to switch gears. Support all measures that puts as many tags in private hands and on public market as possible. Not just in WY but everywhere. Transferable LO tags shit yea, the more the better. Outfitter allocations, sign me up. Auctions, the more the better. Outfitter tag consseions on public land? Go for it.
All these changes after nearly 20yrs of playing the hand as dealt to NRs in multiple states is about enough to make me just give up on NR big game hunting. Just want one more pronghorn hunt next year for my then to be 12yo son. Even if I can't afford a tag for myself.

As I burn points that I've accumulated, I'll likely not get more and seriously consider just taking Hank for NR bird trips.

The continued price NR increases and limits on tags will have a negative impact on support for public lands by NR hunters.
It already is pretty much there. Actually quite a bit more than that if you happen to have your heart set on a particular area.
Elk is far from a once every ten years hunt, at least from the perspective of getting tags. You could hunt Colorado or Idaho for a bull every year, Montana pretty often.

My heart is set on the Breaks, but it’s just reality that you don’t always get to hunt the place you want to. Even as a resident I’ve never drawn a limited entry bull elk tag in my life and I’ve still had some pretty damn fun elk hunts.
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