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a loss for hunters

bow hunter

New member
Dec 29, 2009
the nevada wildlife commision voted to close bear hunting to all areas west of the tahoe rim trail. this is where the majority of the bears live. it was voted on because of the stiff pressure the tahoe residents and anti-bear hunters put on the wildlife commision. if you think our right to hunt isnt in jeapordy, think again! i can only believe we will lose those areas for deer hunting as well. my issue is that they used public safety as a pry bar so to speak to get one more step on stopping the bear hunt all together. we have been deer hunting these same areas forever and there hasnt ever been any controversy or safety issues. i guess they feel a stray bullet from a bear hunter has a better chance of hitting someone than from a deer hunter. i find it absolutely rediculous. we got a fight on our hands here in nevada's north country!
the nevada wildlife commision voted to close bear hunting to all areas west of the tahoe rim trail. this is where the majority of the bears live. it was voted on because of the stiff pressure the tahoe residents and anti-bear hunters put on the wildlife commision. if you think our right to hunt isnt in jeapordy, think again! i can only believe we will lose those areas for deer hunting as well. my issue is that they used public safety as a pry bar so to speak to get one more step on stopping the bear hunt all together. we have been deer hunting these same areas forever and there hasnt ever been any controversy or safety issues. i guess they feel a stray bullet from a bear hunter has a better chance of hitting someone than from a deer hunter. i find it absolutely rediculous. we got a fight on our hands here in nevada's north country!

I have a buddy that lives in Tahoe, he sends pictures of monster bears in his yard all the time. They are a big nuisance there. He was hoping for a season. Looks like the anti's are more aggressive (again) than sportsman. Even though sportsmen usually out number the anti's. Common theme.
yep, it is a sad deal for sure. we still have the hunt, but the areas we lost are where most of the bears live
another sad day in conservation, I am not a bear hunter, nor have I ever had the desire to hunt a bear. I hope that it does not lead to more areas and hunting to be taken away.
They're going after hound hunting for Bears and Bobcats here in CA as well...We'll lose this one!

WE'll all be outlaws here soon unless something happens...
sad to hear,,,nevada must be too close to california and there nut jobs that would rather pay contracters to handle problem bears.
They're going after hound hunting for Bears and Bobcats here in CA as well...We'll lose this one!

WE'll all be outlaws here soon unless something happens...

Call your Senator and call Senator Lieu (the sponsor). I was cordial and communicated that less than half of our bear take each year is done by hound hunting. If you want to be "humane" to CA fish and game, give the department more resources to fight poaching, illegal marijuana grows, and the illegal game trade.

This narrow bill will do nothing to protect the welfare of CA game, and you're wasting taxpayer time and money by raising this issue and letting emotions dictate the agenda.
Down here in the low country of SC, we are also fighting a battle to keep our hound hunting of deer, our no limits on bucks, and our antlerless deer days. Our foe, are the up-state folks who have different seasons, lower populations, and more restrictions, and their cohorts from North Carolina, Georgia, and Florida who are busily buying up or leasing every available piece of hunting property so that they can effectively stop residents in this part of the state from following our traditions.

I am a proponent of outlawing out of state licensing and hunting, as well as elimination of absentee property control!
Running deer with dogs is the worst part of hunting back East. It just plain sucks for everyone (hunters and nonhunters) who have to put up with it.
Read a little more on the article and checked some of their facts they said and it seems true that no bears were killed in Tahoe this year. Unless they were not reported.
yes, that is true. one was killed off of kingsbury grade and one was killed in verdi. the other 12 were killed in the pine nuts

You are wrong about all being outlaws in CA. The undocumented inhabitants will be the only ones left that are being prosecuted for something.
Link Above for the Douglas County Wildlife advisory board meeting.

Here is the info from it on the bear hunt. Also in the same meeting the sage grouse were discussed among other topics.

amendments to the 2012 Black Bear Season for open unit designations and/or
portions of those units with special designations.
Commissioner Drew read from a prepared statement. He clarified what was being
discussed with this item, the reason for the discussion, biology of the alternatives, the
reason for the creation of the black bear committee and the development of four
alternatives, and the value of public input.
Kathryn Bricker, NoBearHuntNV, said alternatives 1 and 4 are preferred. Alternative 3
will make things worse from what we currently have by eliminating hunting in all of the
high use areas with the exception of Douglas County and funnel all the hunting into that
high use area. She did not want #3 considered. This is only about the bear hunt. It does
not seem like giving up much to withdraw hunting in the basin.
Bob Brunner, Coalition for Nevada’s Wildlife, entered a statement into the record. They
would like to recommend Alternative 1, which is no change to last year. The concerns of
the public have proven to be unfounded. Training was given to the sportsmen who got a
tag and the maps they were given were more comprehensive. The hunters showed
responsibility to make sure there was no issues. He supports option 1 because he does
not want his rights restricted on public land.
Kat Simmons would like option 4. She is opposed to the hunt to begin with. She
believes removing all the hunting from the basin and putting it into Douglas County puts
all the pressure on us. She discussed people’s love of the bears. She thinks it would be
wise, smart and respectful to omit the basin.7
Commissioner Drew said Alternative 3 is not all Douglas County; south of Kingsbury
would be excluded. It would alleviate concerns in the high use areas. Another
alternative is to close portions of 192/194 west of the Tahoe Rim Trail. The maps before
you use the boundary of the Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit rather than the Rim
Joel Blakeslee thinks you should look at the facts and not hypotheticals. It is not a
safety issue; nothing happened last year.
Kat Simmons talked about a hunter that stated he would not hunt up there due to the
amount of use of the area.
Public comment closed.
Chairman Cook submitted all the emails he received through 7:30 a.m. today for the
Vice Chairman Burnside struggles with this being a safety issue. If that were the case
then these areas should be excluded from any rifle hunting. Since deer hunting has
been occurring in these areas for many, many years and there has never been an issue
then it is not a safety issue, it is a social issue. When you are trying to collect data, you
cannot keep changing parameters. In order to reach a logical conclusion, the variables
must stay the same for a given period of time. He is not unsympathic to the concerns of
the people but he knows there will still be deer hunters in that area.
Mr. Turnipseed agreed with Mr. Burnside. He added concern with a comment made
during a discussion about eliminating the basin. That comment was “well that’s a good
start” and that tells him that this is a start. Next will be deer hunting, next will be
waterfowl hunting, next will be lion hunting, and next will be blue grouse hunting and he
would like to nip it in the bud now. Eliminating the Tahoe basin was a compromise the
first time but if this is a start, then he supports Alternative 1. There is a lot of country up
there that is not congested so people should be able to hunt there.
Mr. Servatius reviewed the support of prohibiting bear hunting in the basin. He believes
sportsmen are going to have to start compromising and looking to the future. Part of
that is urban interface hunting. He talked about the heavy use of the basin and thinks it
should be a national park. It is time to be flexible and flexibility requires we start thinking
about other nonusers when we create regulations. We also have a responsibility to
protect sportsmen. A reasonable accommodation is Alternative 2. With the work done
by sportsmen to address the urban interface is the absolute right step to take and still
protects the bear hunt. He would like to be sure the NoBearHunt folks are not going to
challenge the other hunts. He is a proponent of Alternative 4 because it recognizes the 8
future and it is a reasonable step. If we take an intransigent approach to things we are
going to be baptized as knuckleheads and he does not want to be that. He wants to be
a sportsman that represents the all nongame species too. Lastly he believes the 1500
foot congestive discharge of firearms prohibition in Douglas County is archaic and
should be 5,000 feet like our neighbors.
Commissioner Drew clarified the difference between Alternatives 2 and 4.
Chairman Cook believes the bear hunt is based on sound science. He noted there is a
required orientation for bear hunters. The county regulations protect congested areas
and those regulations have been in place for years. There were no incidents relating to
public safety. Regarding public safety, we need to educate the trail users. Bear season
is not during hiking season yet other hunting is done in those areas. He lives at the
Lake and still sees bears there and the hunt has not affected them. There is a lot of
open space on both sides of the trail for hunting. He supports Alternative 1. He
wondered why only Douglas, Carson, and Washoe County were being targeted and not
Placer and El Dorado Counties.
Stating NBU, Coalition, Washoe County, SCI, and Lander County voted for Alternative
1, MOTION by Turnipseed/Burnside to support Alternative 1;
Vice Chairman Burnside stated it is important to have three years of consistent data in
order to assess this going forward.
MOTION; carried with Pohlman and Servatius voting Nay
03-27-2012, 02:40 PM
Senior Member Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Belgrade, Montana
Posts: 1,639


Running deer with dogs is the worst part of hunting back East. It just plain sucks for everyone (hunters and nonhunters) who have to put up with it.

IMHO that is a very poor attitude to have regarding a type of hunting in the carolinas when you live way out in Montana. I have never done it, but unless it infringes on someone else's property a person should be allowed to legally pursue their pastime. For you it may be elk hunting. For rthomas it is waiting for a deer to go by in a thick, nasty swamp that the dogs are moving through.
What good is a hunt if ya do not have any land?~!

'busily buying up or leasing every available piece of hunting property so that they can effectively stop residents in this part of the state from following our traditions.'
>>>It is what is happening everywhere!!!!! The buying up, the shutting out, land-locking public lands, or closing our land access.

Trouble with a big T.
03-27-2012, 02:40 PM
Senior Member Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Belgrade, Montana
Posts: 1,639


Running deer with dogs is the worst part of hunting back East. It just plain sucks for everyone (hunters and nonhunters) who have to put up with it.

IMHO that is a very poor attitude to have regarding a type of hunting in the carolinas when you live way out in Montana. I have never done it, but unless it infringes on someone else's property a person should be allowed to legally pursue their pastime. For you it may be elk hunting. For rthomas it is waiting for a deer to go by in a thick, nasty swamp that the dogs are moving through.
Just because he lives in MT now doesn't mean he always has nor does it mean it doesn't have experience in dealing with folks hunting deer with dogs. I live now in Indiana, but haven't always. I have personal/professional experience on much of what is debated regarding public land issues in the western states...