A great Christmas story

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
This morning Mrs. Fin and I were bemoaning the commercialization of Christmas and how it seems the true spirit of Christmas somehow has been lost since we were younger. We came home from our morning trip to the Daily Coffee Bar and read this Facebook post, written by Lawnboy's wife. It made me smile, as I know it is one of many examples of people doing something special for those who may not be as fortunate.

I guess the true spirit of Christmas is still alive and well. Just need to look somewhere other than Wal-Mart and TV ads.

Jennifer wrote:

Today I got to witness what Christmas is really about. Bart saw a lady that needed new shoes and found out a way to ask her size. Today as he handed her the wrapped package and told her merry Christmas her eyes welled up with tears, and she had a hard time keeping it all together. It was very sweet. I am glad I got to see it.... I think it will be the highlight of Christmas for me.

Thanks for being the generous and caring person you are, Bart. I am sure you have made a difference in the life of someone who may not have been dealt a good hand, hopefully giving them faith that the world does care about them, especially during a season when it would be hard to reconcile how some of us have been blessed with so much while others have desperate needs for even the basics. I know there are many other examples of the Christmas spirit and I am thankful to read and hear about them.

Merry Christmas to all of you! We are grateful for your friendship and all that we have been blessed with.
Cheers Bart. Good to see the spirit outshine the polarized $ of Christmas.
From what I've read of Bart and family I had no doubt he and they were that type of people. What an exemplary deed.
I've ribbed Bart about his matching outfits in pictures, but that is a selfless, class act all the way.

Well done Bart & Family!
"And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me" Matthew 25:40 Thank you for the story, and God bless you and yours on Christmas Day!
I get the honor of running our "Angel Tree" at work. We collect toys for kids of some of our soldiers that could use a little help. Makes my Chritmas every year!! The best part.....I ALWAYS have more people wanting to GIVE than I have those in need :)

10th SFG(A) - The Originals!!!
Great read, thanks for sharing!!

Funny I was talking about the commercialization also with the wife. Amazing how rude people get these days when they are shopping. Sitting back and watching people act this time of the year is a real eye opener.

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