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7000 posts....

Howdy, Cush! Like others have said, thank you. Myself, I kind of liked when you laid into someone who deserved a shot. NOT THAT YOU NEED TO START DOING IT! Good luck with Fin. I know he'll take care of you.
Thank you Cush! You are such a welcoming person..I guess I never saw the "other" you you mentioned. Thank you for the help you have provided for me, and thank you for your service!
Hey, Cush, I'm like everyone else. You're one of my favorites posters on here. Can't thank you enough for your service. Like everyone, I can't wait to hear about your deer hunt!
CUSH First off thank you from the bottom of my heart on your service to America and the cause. Secondly what would HT be without you around. I enjoy reading your post and hope to shake your hand someday if I'm lucky enough. I am glad your doing much better these days and I can't wait to watch and read about your hunt with Randy this year. It's gonna be epic I'm sure.....
Hell of a post John! Thanks for your service and good luck this fall! Looking forward to some write ups!
Cushman, your jokes aren't funny, you snore at night, and you have the attention span of a three year old on crack. You can't catch trout on powerbait and elk snicker when they hear your name.

You do make good coffee and awesome chorizo though. And... some of your jokes are somewhat funny.
Good hunting Cushman.
Hopefully Fin films the hunt.
It IS all about tht bass:hump:
Happy to call you my (internet) friend.

Thanks for FINALLY getting around to the intro after 7,000 posts, it was about time :rolleyes:
You are a top bloke John, very helpful, with some great recipe ideas as well!
Good luck with your deer hunt
Thank you for your service John and look forward to reading more of your post!
What do you say about the guy that is always one of the first to welcome somebody new and congratulate them on a successful hunt. Thanks for your service and just being you. Thats more than enough in my book.

Also, another post asked but I didn't see the answer. Is the trip to MT going to be filmed? Enquiring minds want to know.
Couldn't pass this opportunity to say that I sometimes miss the old John, but the current John is a refreshing and very welcoming component of the forum.

I've had the pleasure of sitting down with John for a meal on two occasions, met his family, including his Dad, and felt very welcome as I wandered across Colorado on some of my rambles.

He can't help the fact that the dining possibilities in Rocky Ford are thin on the ground; he learned to cook as a result and now his culinary skills are that of legend. Maybe some day I'll get to sit down at his table or wind up in his camp. I have a special pair of black and red gators I've been saving for just that occasion.
Hi Cushman. (Reminds me of introductions at an AA meeting).

Thanks for the introduction and thank you for your service and sacrifice. Seven thousand post, I would imagine your fairly opinionated? :D

In all honesty, I'm glad your with us. I do enjoy your posts.

Take care and good luck with all your hunting and outdoor adventures.
Great post John!

I can scroll past a lot of posts in a thread without reading them, but when I see john's posts I read them start to finish and usually have a laugh and a smile along the way.

I like ya just how you are John!
Thanks for your service and all you do here, John - HT wouldn't be the same without you.
Glad to call you my 'friend'.

Hope you have a great season and may God bless you and your family.