2020 OTC Elk Hunting Pressure


New member
Jul 5, 2020
What are y'alls thoughts on OTC elk hunting pressure this year? I ask because limited entry tag applications increased in most states. I was hoping draw odds would improve this year and ended up striking out on all my applications.
The vast majority of tag and license purchases are up. Our last otc season, turkey was very crowded in most areas. Barring colorado banning non residents, i don't see otc elk bucking the trend
There is always going to be more hunting pressure than you would like. Don’t worry about the pressure. Use it to your advantage and find overlooked places. Control the things you can control. Make a bulletproof game plan with extensive e-scouting, get in shape, and if you’re calling elk, learn from experts and understand what the elk are saying.
It will be the same as previous years in Utah because they cap the sales at 15,000 tags.
In Montana it’s going to be terrible. The only solution is to stay home. 😉

Too late for that for me. I'm committed. If I don't pull the trigger and just get the experience of traveling almost literally all the way across the country for a hunting trip and get to observe some animals that I want to learn about it will be a successful trip.
All those people who struck out on limited tags may look to OTC...
Last year was my first year elk hunting. Like many, I was a bit stressed out thinking about the potential hunting pressure I would encounter... especially considering the amount of money I had invested in two out of state hunts. I hunted OTC archery in Colorado and I was lucky enough to harvest a beauty. I only came across 5 hunters while out in the field - and they were all stand up guys. I also hunted an OTC cow tag in Idaho. I experienced a lot of hunting pressure there. It was a bit frustrating for a few days until I realized I could work harder and allow the increased pressure to push elk to me. That's exactly what ended up happening, and I harvested another beauty.
Don't worry about other folks... your only competition is yourself
Caribou Gear

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