2015 Nevada Archery Mule Deer


Well-known member
Jun 30, 2011
Drew an alternate archery tag in Nevada. Last minute hunt and was only able to get out for 3 days of hunting and 1 scouting. Any time out hunting and in the outdoors is better than any day at work.

My Dad and I on the top of the highest peak in the area.

Some of the bucks we were after. Saw a total of 25-30 bucks and was within 65yds many times. 11yds on a small spike, 25yds from a small forkie, and 37yds from a small 3x2 all on opening day. However I was really after a nice buck. For any of you that saw the opening episode of MeatEater I relate this hunt to a lot of what he spoke about during the episode and feel very similar to his sentiments during the episode.

The last two are of the same buck we spotted on the last night of the hunt.

6x5 not counting his one eye guard. Great buck and I am happy to have had the opportunity to see him while I was out hunting and have the opportunity to chase him.
Nice find! Wish I could get my dad out there with me on a trip like that. Looks like a lot of fun!
Man, it has officially begun. The first fall hunt reports of the year are trickling in. That's what I call a SUCCESSFUL hunt! Thanks for sharing.