Yeti GOBOX Collection

2012 DIY OTC CO Elk Hunt - belated edition


Active member
Aug 12, 2013
Columbus, OH
Well, figured that posting up a semi-live formatted DIY hunt from last fall would be a good way to introduce myself as a lot of the Western seasons are now (or will be soon) in full swing. The lull between the anticipatory posts about the hunt and the story-telling posts about the hunt has begun.

Quick introduction of myself: Gabe Karns, live in Columbus OH as of 4 months ago working with Ohio State as a wildlife researcher. Lived in Auburn, AL, and North Carolina before that. Feet planted firmly in the East, heart dwells in the West.

Maybe this will help pass the time for those of us not fortunate enough to be in the backcountry right now. Caution: there's enough here to keep you occupied for hours, so proceed with caution. Enjoy.

Because of the immense amount of content, I'll just post links for each day's account and include a few pictures along the way.

Days 1&2

Day 3

Bull #1 Down

Day 4

Day 5

Time to dry out some gear

Day 6

Day 7

Scenic waterhole

Days 8 & 9

Day 10

On top of the world

Day 11

Success! High Country Double!

Day 12


Day 13

Day 14

Punched out - 4/4

Day 15

Hope you enjoyed reading about our 2012 hunt 1% as much as we did living it. What a great time it was and always looking for the next opportunity to head West and head high...
dihardhunter - Welcome to the form, and btw I'm just a few miles up the road from you in Marysville. Nice job on last years hunt, I hope to have the same results in just a few weeks! Oh ..... and welcome to Buckeye country!