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2005 New Mexico Elk and Mule Deer Tags Available

"Private land elk seasons are very liberal. For example, bow elk tags are good from Sept. 1-22, Muzzleloader elk tags can be used during any five day period between Oct. 1-Dec. 31 and rifle elk tags can be used during any five day period from Oct. 8-Dec. 31, 2005."

from his web page, he has some prices there too.
New Mexico


Sorry it took so long to get back to you. The answer to your questions is yes, the tags can be used anytime until December 31. I sold two elk and three deer, so I don't have too many left. Let me know if you are interested!
I looked at the website. Looks O.K. One thing that bothered me was with the extra 1000 Trophy fee for a B&C animal for the sheep hunt..... on public land. That is kind of chicken shit in my opinion. A guy spends a boat load of dough to get someone to haul him in there and hunt with a guide who should be trying his best to help his client. To then demand and extra grand if he kills something big on a public land hunt is not right. JMO
Schmalts.. It's only Chicken Chit if it's not stated in the upfront info.

I only had the question about why the Cougar hunt section it said you have a Choice to kill the Baar or release it ? I'm guessing it meant cougar ?
Hey Moosie,

I will PM you as there are several options available in regard to the actual price. ;)


Thanks for the warm welcome! I appreciate that! In regard to the trophy fee for bighorn sheep, I guess if you had any knowledge of bighorn sheep hunts you might understand. By the way, the only sheep hunts that I know of that are NOT on public land are on high fenced ranches, mostly in Texas.

Oh, and thanks for the compliment about my website!
Welcome to Hunt talk, yes we do debate stuff here sometimes and this place seems to require a thick skin sometimes because a lot of us razz each other.
I understand sheep hunts, in most areas (most) the hardest part of the hunt is drawing the tag. The sheep i have seen are not exactly the smartest animals in the world. I really need education, why a trophy fee for the sheep hunt on public land if a guy kills a B&C? Not trying to be a smart ass but i just don't understand why sheep but not elk or deer? A guide does (I hope) the same work to help you kill an animal no matter what, that is his job. It bugs me that outfitters seem to charge more for some public land hunts just because it is harder to draw the tag and nothing to do with how hard it is to actually kill an animal. Sorry if i rubbed you wrong but is only my opinion and most guys here know my opinion is worthless. If a guy killed a B&C animal I would tip a bit more but sure wouldnt expect to fork out extra cash because lady luck was on my side. Now private land is a bit different because there is a somewhat of a commodity price on animals.

Most bighorn sheep hunts in the lower 48 are no more, and in many cases much easier, than a tough mule deer hunt.

There are a some tough sheep hunts to be had, no question about it, but I'd guess the ones in NM are a sheep hunters "piece of cake". Charging an extra grand for a B&C sheep is a damn fine reason to look for another outfitter or do-it-yourself.

A friend of mine drew NM and WY the same year and I think he spent a total of 3 days hunting in NM before he killed the largest ram (at the time) ever killed in the unit he drew. He was in his late 50's at the time and didnt hire an outfitter either...either did a solo hunt or may have hunted with one of his sons.
I do not understand the extra fee either, Scmalts. I sure wouldn't be tipping extra, if I had to pay the higher fee because the guy got me a good animal - which is what I thought I was paying for in the first place. That program would hurt the rest of the hired help, I think. I might tip that much between the guide, the wrangler, the cook, etc. if not for that fee. Certainly without it, the guide would get a big tip. With it, he probably wouldn't get a big tip from me.

Nothing against guides - I just think the fees ought to be set without added extras. What if the guide shows me a B&C ram, but doesn't tell me that it is one? Even in Africa with trophy fees, it is so much per animal usually - not more if it is a good one.
The pecos wilderness hunts are a cake walk hunt from what i was told by a guy who has shot more sheep there than anyone else. (darted them) Hardest part is getting in there but once there the sheep are supposed to be pretty stuipid. He told me a bow kill would be pretty easy, just getting the tag is the hard part.
Glad to see that my opinion of the Trophy fee is shared by a few others.
Sheep Hunts

Hey guys,

Wow, it seems there really is a lot of knowledge about sheep hunting here! One guy heard from a friend and the other has a friend who has darted some small rams and ewes in the Pecos. I really don't have time to get into a pissing match, so here is my answer:

I charge a trophy fee because I think that it is fair. If you draw a tag and do not want to pay a trophy fee, hire someone else, simple as that.

By the way, all my landowner elk tags are now sold. Thanks for the help!
I think landowner tags can make a lot of sense if you want to discuss them. Do you think they do harm? The animals live off the land, apportion the tags, according to that, then the land will be taken care of in a more balanced way. That's the idea for them, isn't it? The landowners then work with the Fish and Wildlife people.

I don't think he's gone, did he say he's going somewhere, not that I see?
And to think his Encampment buddy wasn't here to make him mad this time !!!!! ;)

BCA, I'll drop you a line when I'm in town, We'll have a beer.
Bearcreekadventures said:
Hey guys,

I charge a trophy fee because I think that it is fair. If you draw a tag and do not want to pay a trophy fee, hire someone else, simple as that.
I think you helped a lot of guys here make that choice, Thanks.
Who said they were small rams and ewes?
Bearcreekadventures said:
By the way, the only sheep hunts that I know of that are NOT on public land are on high fenced ranches, mostly in Texas.

The guy is peddling hunts on Public Lands and offering Landowner tags???? Why should a Landowner be able to sell tags? Nobody else can sell tags. If I go improve some habitat, should I get a saleable tag???
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