NEW SITKA Ambient 75

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  1. D

    2013 Is coming to an end...

    A recap of our 2013 season would have to start in 2012 when we won entry in the The fishin Crew tournament trail, so without a doubt the hunt fish balance would be skewed towards fishing this year. So we found some Walleyes this summer... and once we were done buzzing around on the water...
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    Where is the national media coverage???

    Where is the national 24/7 news coverage when a gun owner stops the carnage before anyone can be killed???
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    South Dakota Trifecta

    After hearing reports of EHD and Blue Tongue taking their toll in many parts of the state I was expecting a tough season. After putting on plenty of miles we managed to find some solid whitetails in unaffected areas. So far we have managed to fill our three Rifle tags: East River, West River and...
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    Perfect day on the water!

    I had a GREAT day with my brother, we ended up with some pretty sweet video pounding the eyes. I don't get the opportunity to fish with him that much anymore, it seems like we are both so busy, when we can get out it is always awesome. He is a veteran of both the Iraqi and Afghanistan conflicts...
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    Quadruple the hard way.

    Here is a clip from a recent goose hunt, we were in a traffic situation and had two flocks land, should have had an easy quadruple but I guess with all the fishing this year I'm a little rusty. Ended up needing a re-load/cripple coming back to get there, does it count...
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    Elk Bullets

    What are your favorite bullets for elk? We will be using a .300 win Mag and a .270 win.
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    Summer Walleyes

    If you can't hunt, then you better fish! Check out the video from some of our recent trips...
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    Mother's day Ideas

    We're all looking for ideas to build brownie points this weekend. Fishing has been great and could be amazing this summer, feel free to post up what you are doing to keep a happy lady who lets you hit the water/woods with reckless abandon! This slideshow/video was a hit in my household. Who...
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    Best day yet!

    So I've been blessed to have some great fishing trips already this year, but last Saturday was by far my best to date. After working Saturday my sweetie suggested we try taking my 18 month old out for a ride in the boat for the first time. It was mid 80's and totally calm so I agreed...
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    Some fish

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    Dropped Project Alaska

    So I was pretty excited about this show since I would like to do a similar hunt someday. Unfortunately I just watched an episode where the highlight was a Moose filmed from over 2 miles away walking down a hill while the hunters sat in lawn chairs for 2 consecutive shows.... FAIL.
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    2011, It's the challenge that makes it GREAT!

    I thought I would post some pics/video/stories from this year. Since I'm traveling to the in law's for Christmas, which is hundreds of miles from anywhere I can hunt. I thought this would be a great time to start a recap, here is a preview (Click on the picture to watch the video.) P.S. My...
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    Proud Papa

    I have been spending ALOT more time at home this year and most days I really miss being able to spend more time in the field. However, I'm often reminded why I'm making the right choice, and it won't be long until WE will be spending ALOT of time in the field. (Click on picture to watch video)
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    Randy, you are my hero!

    I have spent 2 years trying to figure out how to make a ultra light aircraft entry into a piece of BLM in a western state. I'm sitting here watching your Chopper hunt just loving it! You have the best show/website in the outdoors genre and it's not close. Thank you so much for what you do!
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    Getting excited!

    I know this isn't the same as a Henry's muley, but does anyone else feel their blood pumping for fall???
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    I vote no on more Montan precip

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    Deer protects goose nest.

    I saw this on another forum, thought I would post it up over here...
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    2010 a year in review...

    I'm sick of watching my brackets blow up, so I thought I would share some pics from the 2010 season...
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    Are fuel prices affecting your apps for this year? $3.50 is my threshold where I start cutting back on my hunting/fishing trips. I usually start by cutting fishing trips, but if we are a $4 per gallon this fall I will definately spend less windshield time looking for waterfowl! It hasn't changed...
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    Best Home Field Advantage!

    I saw another thread that got me thinking. If you were 18 and had a choice to live anywhere in the Continental US, which state would be best. What state has the best opportunity for residents?