zeiss RF or swaro RF binos


Jun 21, 2011
I had swaro el for 12yrs and different rangefinders including a terrapin. sold it all in a move to montana and bought sig killo 3000. the rangefinder is great and the data has been spot on to the 800yd limit which i am fine with. but the glass is not what i love. I want to upgrade glass! Hearing mixed reviews on the new swaro range TA ranging ability?? leica still hasn't fixed there issues from what I've read. Is the zeiss still the best RF bino? Does it give angle and save ballistic data like the sigs? or are they just a couple of years behind still yet being a 3yr old model?
I had swaro el for 12yrs and different rangefinders including a terrapin. sold it all in a move to montana and bought sig killo 3000. the rangefinder is great and the data has been spot on to the 800yd limit which i am fine with. but the glass is not what i love. I want to upgrade glass! Hearing mixed reviews on the new swaro range TA ranging ability?? leica still hasn't fixed there issues from what I've read. Is the zeiss still the best RF bino? Does it give angle and save ballistic data like the sigs? or are they just a couple of years behind still yet being a 3yr old model?
What issues are you referencing with the Leica's?
I got a good deal on brand new Zeiss victory Rf binos on eBay (I think my winning bid was like $2300). So far they’re awesome and I love them but the true test will come antelope season.
Caribou Gear

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