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Yvon Chouinard on Meateater Podcast

I reside in Utah. Meaning I have Mitt Romney and Mike Lee. Bishop is my congressman. Yup, I got the trifecta.

Yvon is a crank. Like most 80yr olds I know. But how REFRESHING is it to hear someone talk straight? My reps don't. Most businesses don't. There is no spin job with him.

I'm pissed he pulled the outdoor retailers show from Utah. NO ONE is here to counter the land sake crowd.

BHA hides in Boise. OR hides in Denver.
Lots of talk by both, but thats all it is.
Right. No chance for the nomination. Bernie has no chance with Democrat establishment and has basically come down to a crazy old socialist standing on the corner yelling at people. Not at all inspiring.

Can you project a little Teddy into Warren? Cause that's who the nomination will be. :)

Politically she's as close as Teddy as Bernie is but she just doesn't have that old white man je ne sais quoi...

Right. No chance for the nomination. Bernie has no chance with Democrat establishment and has basically come down to a crazy old socialist standing on the corner yelling at people. Not at all inspiring.

Can you project a little Teddy into Warren? Cause that's who the nomination will be. :)
Shes gonna get it I agree with your guess also. You know shes gonna cry during the debates so we can say DT is mean.
I thought he was about to call Mead a clown but instead called him a climate denier and I was about to spit my drink out. I wish I could have seen Rinella’s physical reaction to that.

Seems like a cool dude but kind of a bit out there at times as well, like a lot of folks his age are.
Great podcast with a real tough dude. I respect him, and agree about hating most of the technology used today and in the field. Turning rock climbing into a sport can say the same for hunting, and calling it an industry while promoting all these products takes the natural fun out of it some times. Hunting is so grossly over saturated with tech and “influencers”...As I’m writing from my iPhone loaded with hundreds of OnX waypoints 😁
Other comments outside the audience he catered within Rinella's podcast... More likely the ones those moms with latte's in Central Park hear, vs snapping duck necks. ;)

Science based, I'd imagine? :D
It’s not surprising that air quality in America is getting worse under this president, with 15 percent more days with unhealthy air in his first two years in office than in the previous four, reversing decades of improvement and threatening our health and safety.

We may have to give up organic cotton, because cotton grown any way uses too much water. With people starving around the world, it may not make sense to make t-shirts in the near future.

Oh Schlitz! So much for those cotton environmental propaganda t-shirts! Get ready for the polyester comeback! Patagonia labeled, I'd imagine. Haha!
I finally got around to listening to it. I cannot understand how some people say he's anti hunting. I mean if you view him as "extreme left" which some of you clearly do, who do you think is actually better for a sportsman's way of life, a guy who's daughter tried to break a deer neck and stuff it in a car, or Rob freakin' Bishop or Ted sell it all Cruz, both effectively represent the far right? I just don't understand the level of bias that must exist to come to that conclusion.
I mostly agreed with him on one point. California should be its own country, or just fall into the ocean. Either way it is a win for the rest of us.
I mostly agreed with him on one point. California should be its own country, or just fall into the ocean. Either way it is a win for the rest of us.
You miss the boat on that one. CA keeps groceries on your table in a big way. And a lot of other things too. Never understood all the hate for CA.
You miss the boat on that one. CA keeps groceries on your table in a big way. And a lot of other things too. Never understood all the hate for CA.

Maybe on your table, there is nothing that I am aware of produced there that we cannot get elsewhere. I know for certain nothing in my household that isn’t available elsewhere.
I cannot understand how some people say he's anti hunting.

Right... he's a hunter/sportman/outdoor enthusiast/whatever, who just has different views than you do. On this forum we basically agree that all the members are pro-hunting, yet we disagree constantly about ARs, baiting, deer drives, shooting ducks on water, ethical distance, predator hunting, trapping, etc etc. But then all of a sudden just because this dude owns a company and is in the public eye he has to be lock step with you personally or he's anti hunting... the same shit is thrown at Rinella, Land Tawney, and even DJ Jr... I don't get it...

If Yvon is "extreme" left I hate to think of how I'm bucketed... probably just a few tic marks right of that commie @Ben Lamb
Don't like salad huh?
Ever enjoy an almond?

Sure those thing are nice once in a while. Lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, a little bacon and cheese are all grown or raised within an hours drive of my house here in MI, most of it in my back yard.

As far as almonds, Spain and Italy are both producers. While California is the largest producer it’s isn’t the end all be all.

In that same podcast Steve talked about plant species living in their preferred area or growing where it could be grown due to pressure.

Those examples are currently grown in the preferred area, it can be grown elsewhere.
Sure those thing are nice once in a while. Lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, a little bacon and cheese are all grown or raised within an hours drive of my house here in MI, most of it in my back yard.

As far as almonds, Spain and Italy are both producers. While California is the largest producer it’s isn’t the end all be all.

In that same podcast Steve talked about plant species living in their preferred area or growing where it could be grown due to pressure.

Those examples are currently grown in the preferred area, it can be grown elsewhere.

That's a bit like saying the the US doesn't need to produce oil because Saudi Arabia does... although even that isn't accurate as California produces more than 70% of the world's almonds, while the US only produces 18% of the world's oil.
I don't care much for almonds. Does CA grow cashews or pecans? They're the best nuts in the can.

I like California a lot. I've hunted deer and bear there, and spent some time there for work. Also toured Yosemite. You won't catch me hunting, working, or eating nuts in a Patagonia get-up though.

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