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Your thoughts?

Calif- I haven't changed my tune at all. Again, most if not all the information I got was second hand...over 20 years. A bit here a bit there. Again, it was a non issue. Maybe internally there was something but they would not talk about it. I feel pride for my grandparents but to be honest it has little to do with their military service. They were great people and did a ton with the family. The military was a job they was their "honorable occupation".
Whether they told you or told someone else, they talked about it or you would not have any details. So what if they were proud? - they should have been! Why do you want to deny pride to other vets? Their sense of repsonsibility and service to their country is part of what made them who they are or were, along with family, perhaps God, and community. Like anything else, there are those who give more than others. People who are Scoutmasters, little league coaches, counselors working with disadvantage youth for less money than they would make in private practice and medical people who make mission trips to third world countries to try to make the world a better place. Then there are those who give little...and yell and bitch alot and belittle those who do sacrifice as dummies, fools or just looking for glory.
Thats why people don't talk about it, it turns into a giant $*)Q!#@$ debate, this has gone on for four pages. No one knows what another person has or hasn't done in their lives. I am 56 you figure it out.
I rarely talk about my service. Most people I work with don't even know I am a vet. It comes up when the subject is raised, and even then I don't share all that much. (Who on here can give much detail on my time overseas? Anyone know if I've got any awards? Does anyone here really know what serving cost me? I don't talk about it because I don't expect anyone to care and it really is not all that pertinent to where I am today. )

I ain't buying it. YOu showed your cards during the Swift boat attacks on Kerry. You allowed your service and the time you spent there to consume you and fuel your hatred for Kerry that you got to where you couldn't see straight. You kept getting YOUR chain yanked, and that is what pissed you off.

You told stories about what VietNam cost you in terms of chance to go to college. Your scholarships from teh American Legion, etc... 30 years later, you were still upset with somebody who was in the SAME theater as you were, and came back and questioned those political leaders YOU hold responsible for the outcome of VietNam.

For you to have attacked and posted all the garbage you did with the Swifties attacks on Kerry shows YOU didn't respect his service. How can you demand others to respect YOUR service?

If you want "us" to be educated, then you have to educate us, you can't just claim to be owed "interest on a blank check" for some unknown reason.
Cali didn't bring up interest on a blank check Jose, you did. Right? You must think Kerry is owed it? Because of his service, anything he does or says regarding war afterwords is correct? No way, it was part of the debate.

He lost, get over it.
Cali didn't bring up interest on a blank check Jose, you did. Right? You must think Kerry is owed it? Because of his service, anything he does or says regarding war afterwords is correct? No way, it was part of the debate.

He lost, get over it.

I don't care about Kerry, I just care about the lack of respect that people showed him for his service. You don't remember the posts where Cali was belittling Kerry's service while ignoring your fellow Texan's AWOL fromthe Alabama Guard?

If you want respect, you gotta earn respect.
B/J, You know how these threads go, it starts out good and then boils down to grabbing ass! Don't strip a gear. John
it starts with a litle ass grabbing and then someone starts talking B/J 's.
you're on your own now.

Calif- I haven't changed my tune at all.

thats funny :D
We get it Jose...the only vet you respect is John Kerry yet denigrate the 'anonymous' grunt who has the temerity to suggest there are diffident people, such as yourself, who take them for granted. Kerry not only talked about his service, he chronicled it...embellished, & parlayed the 'interest earned' into being one of the well paid mouthpieces of the pink darling party.

Nice catch there. That bait you use on matt bass works great. You definately limited out!!

but FYI he's a catfish....the secret is to use a liberal amount of stink bait.
Calif- Just curious...what is it you would like? What form of eternal gratitude should be shown? When was the Vietnam memorial put up in comparison to the WWII memorial? It seems to me that for someone who doesn't really care, you sure do bring a lot of these topics up.

it starts with a litle ass grabbing and then someone starts talking B/J 's.

Calif- I'm not sure what you want for your "blank check" but you can always take JB up on his offering.
As I said, Jose - I bring it up when the subject comes up. I'm certainly not ashamed of it. I don't know how you can claim to know what I feel - I certainly do not "hate" Kerry as you claim. Fact is - I hate no one. Life is too short to be consumed with hatred. I am, however, passionate about some things.

You make blanket statements and accusations, take statements out of context, etc. in order to try to pigeonhole people or make them fit into some pre-conceived notion. That dog don't hunt, Jose.

What a hypocrite - you say you care about the lack of respect shown Kerry's service while you make fun of mine.

Kerry made his VN service a campaign issue - I didn't.
You really must be fixated upon me and my service to have retained such detailed information about me! Does it make you feel that your life has been insignificant? Does it intimidate you or something? Most of the information I provided in those discussion came in response to your promptings and in some cases, even requests for information. (Like, "As a VN vet, Cali, how do you feel about...") You get answers to questions you ask and then I am "trumpeting" my service? If you weren't so funny, you'd be pathetic.
MattK, I believe in my 2nd post back on page 1 I also included LEO's, fire fighters and anybody else who has a job that puts them in harms way.

I'm still curious why everybody has to turn a pissing match into a political pissing match?
I'm still curious why everybody has to turn a pissing match into a political pissing match?

good point.
its getting so bad around here, Matt has taught himself how to walk and squat at the same time .

the thing i think is funny about all this is John kerry got taken out of nam cause he was wounded 3 times as per law or whatever he got to come home early, anyone wanna guess what his 3rd wound was? Yeah he had 2 other wounds, but hey i wasnt there and i wasnt born. I want to be one the first to thank you for serving, nam vets know what it was like to come back to be labeled as baby killers, spit on, disrespected and i know many that will never be the same....thanks for all the military and cops, firemen hell anyone who risks their life for what they think is right. Did wwII vets come back as "baby killers" Oh just so you know i am one the iraq vets and what do i want nothing. Times have changed in wwII did you have to worry about your "girl" being unfaithful and not waiting for you...Nam was one the first wars that that "girl" started to not wait for the soldier or marine that looks forward to the day he returns, a letter from her, only to be disappointed. So besides bush who dodged the nam war? Who went to nam and got purple hearts medal of honors any awards besides kerry? Just curious cause it went about politics kerry vs bush in here even if you say it didnt i can read between the lines.
|oo |oo |oo :wank: :wank: :wank: cant wait til hunting season
Nam was one the first wars that that "girl" started to not wait for the soldier or marine that looks forward to the day he returns

Goes to show how much you know, alot of women during WWII, and Korea, opted to find different boyfriends, or spouses. The folks in that age group are of a different breed than the Viet nam age group. They didn't flaunt their infidelities.

I cannot beleive this thread is still going on.

Most of those check carriers, were never in the bush after dark!
Going back to my cave now.
yeah your right, it happened then not as much or as know what the top reason for suicides in the military is? Not saying that it didnt happen in the other wars, but to me it seems like the morals are getting looser and looser...and as said people are entitled to their oppinions...i have fought for that right same as others its just a different age a different time a different way of thinking

Goes to show how much you know, alot of women during WWII, and Korea, opted to find different boyfriends, or spouses. The folks in that age group are of a different breed than the Viet nam age group. They didn't flaunt their infidelities.

I cannot beleive this thread is still going on.

Most of those check carriers, were never in the bush after dark!
Going back to my cave now.[/QUO
A veteran - whether active duty, retired, national guard or reserve - is someone who, at one point in his/her life, wrote a blank check made payable to "The United States of America ", for an amount of "up to and including my life."

That is honor, and there are way too many people in this country who no longer understand it.

-- Author Unknown

I offer the following as a means of illustrating the sentiment behind the quote in Cali's post (this is the pre-PC version)

United States Armed Forces Code of Conduct

Article 1:

I am an American fighting man
I serve in the Forces that guard our country and our way of life
I am prepared to give my life in their defense

Service in the forces of a free nation denotes sacrifice. It is not a mere job. It is service. As in "to serve", to subordinate, for a time, ones personal desires to the needs of ones nation. 2 years or 32 years, volunteer or draftee, service equals sacrifice, no matter what incentives or benefits are offered. All of this is underpinned by a solemn oath. It is this oath and this willingness to be one of those sacrificed that sets the veteran apart from the civilian.

Everyone who takes the Oath writes that blank check and as this thread has borne out that concept is beyond the comprehension of those who have not served.

PS as far as the differences between WWII and VN vets is concerned--It's more complex than just the "Depression" generation vs the "Me" generation

WWII was a total national effort and upon their return home, it's veterans were venerated for their service. Viet Nam on the other hand was a soldier's war and it's veterans were vilified.