PEAX Equipment

You serious Clark?

How does one post a demand for a more respectful dialog regarding the mentally ill in post #22 and then follow up in post #26 with the use of "certifiable crazy", "off the deep end", and "nutty"? SMH!
She was indeed crazy, or "mentally ill" if you prefer. Turns out she had been under treatment when her ex had her put on the psyche ward years earlier. Nothing funny about it. Very sad. Letting her into the program where she was bound to fail sure wasn't going to do her mental health any good. But again, she was a visual minority with the funding. No surprise that she wound up barricading herself in the office. The point being that anyone, including certifiable mental cases like these two gals, can get into a doctoral program these days. And it pisses me off. Besides messing up their lives by setting them up for failure, it destroys the credibility of post graduate education. I should add that after the barricade episode there was a massive overhaul in the dept and at the university.

Point being, this California doctoral student fire setter is obviously unbalanced. Anyone who thinks a mud puddle is bear urine has lost touch with reality. It's not funny. It's sad.

Someone help me out here. What's the story with the CO2 canisters? How did they play into incriminating her? I don't get that. Maybe I'm just not up to snuff on contemporary bomb making.