
Congrats man!!!! That should be an awesome hunt. I looked up the number of applications and it looked like this was the year to put in. Last year they had 43 first choice applications and this year they had only 35. With 13 of them being non-res apps. So that put you at only competing with 21 other people for at least 5 tags. That's pretty awesome odds. Anyway good luck, if you need any help let me know.

Originally posted by danr55:
Congratulations big guy.. and remember.. no more Big Macs or french fries or milk shakes...

You should have seen him trying to choke down the Pria bar from Power Bar last night.... We had to stop and get him some gas station Jo-Jo's and a Bean and More Bean Burrito..... :(

(Of course, he still kicked my arse up the hill, as I had only ate the Prias for 4 days... :eek: )
Way to go Moosie...That is absolutly fantastic...Good luck and I would mention for you to keep us updated, but that is kinda redundant... :D :D :D
Originally posted by IdahoBugler:
Congrats man!!!! That should be an awesome hunt. I looked up the number of applications and it looked like this was the year to put in. Last year they had 43 first choice applications and this year they had only 35. With 13 of them being non-res apps. So that put you at only competing with 21 other people for at least 5 tags. That's pretty awesome odds. Anyway good luck, if you need any help let me know.

ISN'T THAT bizzar ? Whatever the Case, I ran an Extra LAp tonight
I figure even if It was a 100% odds in Drawing I'd still be just as Happy. Time to Gear up (Don't tell the Wife that the 5k We spent in light weight Gear to Go to AK last year counts, Because Lightweight Mountain gear is Different ;)
Originally posted by Moosie:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by IdahoBugler:
Congrats man!!!! That should be an awesome hunt. I looked up the number of applications and it looked like this was the year to put in. Last year they had 43 first choice applications and this year they had only 35. With 13 of them being non-res apps. So that put you at only competing with 21 other people for at least 5 tags. That's pretty awesome odds. Anyway good luck, if you need any help let me know.

ISN'T THAT bizzar ? Whatever the Case, I ran an Extra LAp tonight to be in better shape
I figure even if It was a 100% odds in Drawing I'd still be just as Happy. Time to Gear up (Don't tell the Wife that the 5k We spent in light weight Gear to Go to AK last year counts, Because Lightweight Mountain gear is Different ;)
Cool beans man....No other hunt can compare to that unit. Its tough and mean and makes you cry for mommy, but those rams are there......

Chances are good of getting a ram I think (with the info me and others will give you). There was that little pocket where I had the 5 rams at 80 yards.....that has been an early season ram hangout for a few years. They will be there again.

The first 12 miles is a walk in the park. The next 7 are what make you hurt. But its a good hurt.

We'll talk soon


You are not taking this nearly serious enough though. The hunting area is in your home state and your only taking one scouting trip! You need to spend all summmer scouting. Several long weekends of hiking at altitude in your hunting area so you can get in shape and become familiar with your hunting area at the same time.

Will the Fish & Game Dept do a census in your area this year? If so, you should participate.

Good luck and lay off the fats and starch and sugars. No more beer until after you bag your sheep.

LOL Kraven, Now it's manitory... Not an Option ;)

I've been running 3.2 Miles (4 times around the block) 2 times a Week just for Fun. Well... We're going to Mexico in 3 weeks so I was trying to loose alittle gut
The last couple weeks I've baited 1-2 times a Week in between hiking 50# bags uphill to the BAit site. Last night I bumped the Running up to 4 Miles and will bump it up by doing stair stepping and Arobics at the Gym. Tomorrow I start Weight training. I'm uploading pictures today in the the bear section of IdahoBugler (When you see his picture you'll see he knows his stuff) that laid out a workout program for me. Now all I need to do is follow it

I started out this baiting season around 222-224 and am around 209 right now. I only want to be around 200 so I'm almost there. Like Gunner said in a Post, I have a hard time eating healthy. BK Burggers and Chocolate shakes are a norm in my diet
I have given up reg pop for the Diet lable... But thats my limit thus far ;)

Enuf about Working out, that will be the Easy part, I jjust have never been back in that country that I'm hunting in, So Finding the Sheep will be the Challenge..... Although, When I go to Montana, I never have a Problem
.. Hehee
KC, I will be in there as much as I can. It's a long drive from here and an 8 Hour Pack in from the trail head. As of Yesterday, I have 1 free weekend this summer. I'm now Re-laying out my..... Well... My Life actually

I need to make at least one trip up there so I know whats instore. But most of my Hikeing will be local hills and Easy 1-2 hours deals after work to Still kick in the Time so I have my Kids and Wife when I return
KC, its a fine idea to spend a few weeks scouting the area preseason....the unit is tough. its 10 miles hiking to get to the unit alone...another 5-7 offtrail in nasty stuff to where the sheep hang scout a person would need a minimum of 5 days to make a rush trip of it.
My thinking is Hitting Close hills and Getting in Shape. I can't take the 3 days off and a weekend a couple times before the Season to "SCOUT". I can Just get Good Areas and Be in Shape to get to them. If I took 3 scouting trips loosing 3 days and a Weekend each time thats 15 Days and a Few Hundred Bucks in Gas..... I guess I'd rather make 1 trip and Save the 10 other Days to ADD to the 10-15 I'm planning on hunting in there....

MAybe a Wrong way of looking at it.. But I still have a Little Time to see how many times I get up there.

I still have a Colorado Buck Hunt in Sept :D :D
Moosie, congrats on the tag!

I don't know why you're coming to CO for deer, though. There are no deer here.

congrats on the tag moosie. hopefully the others experiences can help you get yours.
Common up here Oscar... I will take you on a walk that should get you in shape, and I can take you just up from town to show you what they look like in real life... ;) :D
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