Sitka Pre Season Savings

Wyoming unit 23

Do some searching on this forum, check out B&C record books by county, take a scouting trip out there and/or grab a subscription to one of the various services like GoHunt and you will have your answer. This is more of a “teach a man to fish” site than a “hand a new guy a fish a few days before application deadline” site.
Public to private land ratio is not good. About 13% is public. BUT, they do have good trophies and the terrain and habitat supports healthy antelope herds. Your best trophies in this state are coming from the Carbon County area.
You’ll see a ton of trophy goats...
On private.
You’ll work for one on public. This one is avg.
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You can’t swing a dead cat in that unit without hitting a 16” buck
Hunting will be good, weather could be iffy. Might be warmish or we could have a blizzard. Check before you come and be prepared. You might need to schedule some road closures days into your travel time.
The rut will be pretty much be over by the middle of the month. If you want to catch some rutting activity earlier in the month would be better.
Whats your definition of trophy? 16in bucks can be had if you are willing to hike....public access is good if you can hike...bottom line, break in your boots and start humping
This will be first time down , would love one that makes it on the wall . Never even seen one yet so couldn't tell you 14-16 just a good looking buck with hooks id be happy