Wyoming Spring Black Bear Hunting/ Baiting


Active member
Jan 15, 2020
I am going black bear hunting this year, and I am wondering what I need to do for it. Can you let me know tactics, and what to do for the bait box, and the bait? I have never been bear hunting, but I already bought a tag. Thanks
I'd maybe start with a spot and stalk adventure. Work into baits, they're a hell of a lot more work and commitment than one thinks. Spot and stalk is a great way to chase spring bruins. Good luck
I for one do not bait bear. Never have. I do set up over carcass kills by other other hunters which is legal, least the chief game warden I talked to in Cheyenne says so. But really, my tactic is find out where they are feeding at and that takes a ton of hiking, patience, and glassing probably more than you would for elk. I camp and hike for 3-4 days at a time looking for bear sign. But before that, learn what habitat they prefer. They like to be around grassy meadows with high protein food like oak brush, berries, mushrooms. They have very poor vision but very keen sense of smell so you have to watch wind direction and thermals way more than with even elk. I also take more than one knife or one of those Outdoor Edge with disposable blades because you dull the blade fairly fast on bear skin especially for an older boar. KNOW the difference between grizzly and black bears because in Wyoming, grizzlies have rebounded and are beginning to seek new territory beyond the greater Yellowstone Area. So far collar evidence does not support this but people are reporting them and I am not sure how competent they are at identifying bears. Make sure bears are really dead before you approach them because those are one of the more dangerous game when wounded. I made that mistake once and if I remember right, I emptied my bladder immediately after I shot it again.
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I don't know what the bait situation is like in Wyoming, but I have a friend who helps run bait sites in the North East and he stressed the importance of having a sidearm. He's pulled a gun on a few bears but luckily didn't have to shoot. The head of the outfitting business has had to shoot a sow.
In Wyoming you can't use unprocessed bait and you have to use an approved bait container. G&F does not want bears to get used to "food rewards" by using other baits or allowing bait piles to be placed. Biologists I talked to want to discourage the use of fish and game meat especially. Another reason I don't hunt over bait other than gut piles left by other hunters. It is illegal to use wild game meat as bait (explicitly prohibited), yet you can hunt over a carcass or gutpile as long as YOU did not specifically place the viscera or carcass there to bait bear.

And I am going to correct myself. Below is cut and paste on what kind of bait can be used in specific areas. Keep in mind also, that the second a grizzly hits on a bait site, that bait site is closed for remainder of the season and you can't hunt on it.

(b) Only unprocessed baits shall be utlized for the baitng of black bears in Black Bear Hunt Area 18 and those portons of Hunt Areas 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 27, 28 and 29 in which bear baitng is not excluded by Secton 6(a).

(c) Processed or unprocessed baits shall be utlized for the baitng of black bears in Black Bear Hunt Areas 1‐17, 30, 31, 33, 35
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As for sidearm, I personally carry a Colt M1911 firing 45 cal ACP plus when I suspect bears are in good enough density, I also carry bear spray. I have used bear spray and can bear witness that it does work but I am not going to vouch that it will be a one size fits all that will work every time you encounter bear.
As stated before a bait site can only be gotten through WGFD and for selected open areas only. Further restrictions also apply to selected zone and distance it must be away from roads, water and campgrounds/ picnic areas and buildings. These last 3 alone can eliminate entire areas for bating.

I have 2 bait locations but currently run just 1 this spring. Still can’t get access into 2nd. This is my first year to bait as well. I’ve had zero fresh bear sign since placing barrel. I knew it was going to be a big undertaking and a chore. So far that’s been very true. Everything I’ve read, learned and been told by other area bear hunters, biologists and area warden say it should be a fantastic location. Without bear in the area a bait site is useless. Maybe fall will be better but thus far my whole area is a bear free zone.
Thanks, all. I got a couple of bears coming in this year, but too many people shot sows, so I wasn't able to shoot one this fall. Does anyone know if I have to reregister for my bait site in the fall, or is it good for the remainder of the year?
I am not even setting my bait till august, in spring my spot is buried till atleast memorial day so its not worth it. In august i plan on scouting for elk and deer and then hunt bear bait before dark. Make sure to provide coord. To g&f so you can keep spot or atleast have the option.