Wyoming Point Creep

What chance does a youth have at the additional 20% of special fee licenses unless they pony up the entire special fee? ZERO.

Youth are about to lose 20% of their ability to draw a license under the youth fees...and WYOGA doesn't care a bit.
Can somebody point out why Non-residents are losing half their tags for the 2016 season?

I feel like I'm missing something big.

If you pay the special fees you wont, if you choose to stay in the regular priced draw, you're losing 20% of your available tags in that draw pool.

In some cases, like I mentioned, youth applicants applying in the regular draw at the youth fee price, are flat losing opportunity...unless they pay the full special fee price.

That was all pointed out in committee yesterday, and Senators Cooper, Craft, and Anderson from the TRW committee didn't care. They also didn't care about the North American Model either. There were 2 sportsmen's groups that testified against 149, and one Resident hunter. Only the WYOGA lobbyist spoke in favor, as well as Representative Schwartz stating that this bill would "really help the outfitters".
Sent a couple of emails yesterday thanking the two who voted against it. Senator Barnard did reply and thanked me for the email. I also sent emails to Cooper, Craft, and Anderson expressing my disappointment.

This morning I emailed the remaining. I'm really hoping this doesn't pass, but I'm not getting my hopes up. I refuse to pay the high fees as a matter of principle. I'm guessing this means soon a general elk tag will take me 4 years to draw (and $150.00 more in preference points) and the deer tag I'm shooting for will soon take 6 or 7 years to draw instead of 3 or 4.

What really concerns me is that their are nonresidents who somehow actually believe this is a good thing. My only theory is that they were dropped on their heads as toddlers or are very selfish and realize this will give them better draw odds. Most likely its the latter.
Can somebody point out why Non-residents are losing half their tags for the 2016 season?

I feel like I'm missing something big.

I could be wrong on the 50%. I thought that I read somewhere that the non resident tag allotment percentages were going from 25% to 10%. After reading Buzz's post below yours it looks like I need to read the bill and not propaganda on the forums. My apologies.

Regardless we are losing opportunity and it will compound the point creep issue.
Buzz or NoWiser - Could you please provide email addresses to WYOGA, senators, those with a vote whom we can contact?
I could be wrong on the 50%. I thought that I read somewhere that the non resident tag allotment percentages were going from 25% to 10%. After reading Buzz's post below yours it looks like I need to read the bill and not propaganda on the forums. My apologies.

Regardless we are losing opportunity and it will compound the point creep issue.

No worries. I thought maybe the NR cap of 10% was what you were talking about, but I was seriously doubting my memory if that had passed and I had forgotten about it.
What exactly is 149 going to make happen???

Presently 60% of the NR tags for elk, deer, and antelope go into the Regular Draw at a much lower price than the other 40% that are called the Special Draw. This Bill is going to reverse that percentage, which means that many tags that people were able to obtain at the lesser fee will now cost over $200 more to have a chance at that same tag in the Special Draw. That is hurting the average Joe by going against the North America Model and rewarding the "well - to - do" person with an even bigger advantage in the draws than they already have with 40% of the allocated tags. It will certainly help the outfitters who can get their clients to buy the special tag and assure themselves of a hunt and the outfitter a full camp. As BuzzH stated, they certainly aren't looking out for anyone but themselves on this just like when they fought against the 90/10 split on moose, sheep, goats, and Bison last month that would have decreased their client's chances of drawing tags. This looks like it's going to pass, but keep sending emails to ALL the Legislators that will be voting on it and tell them this will only shut out youth and more average people from even thinking about hunting. In the end it could easily do more harm to the G&F budget than the money they think it will infuse if they sell the number of tags they project.
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If you pay the special fees you wont, if you choose to stay in the regular priced draw, you're losing 20% of your available tags in that draw pool.

Correct me if I am wrong, but NR will lose 33% of the regular priced tags. 20% of the 60% will go to Special.
Correct me if I am wrong, but NR will lose 33% of the regular priced tags. 20% of the 60% will go to Special.

That is correct! Essentially a lot of people will be paying a lot more money to be assured of a tag with the guise of putting more money in the G&F budget, rather than just passing an overdue across the board fee increase that would have kept things the way they are if they had gone that route. This way they take a backdoor approach and stick it to the NRs that way saying no fees are being increased while making the WYOGA happy campers by doing it this way!
cashed in my points

Im 62 years young and had 7 points for WY elk .Kept waiting for zone 7 but being 2 pts behind max i thought i may never get there.Ive never been on an elk hunt before ,got tired of waiting so jump in the special draw for zone 45 which is a great zone.I drew my tag ,hired a guide, went on a diet ,joined a gym ,and plan everyday for the Oct 15 rifle opener .You guys are right about Wy zones or general tags that are easy and frequent to draw .But a guy like me from Cali its a long way to go to learn the ropes on that public land .Antelope is the easiest to draw and hunt .Wy has the easiest point banking system and its not that expensive.I now have 7 for deer and antelope but no plans to go any time soon .what a nice dilema! Shoot straight!!!

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