Caribou Gear

Wyoming NR Sheep Tags


Dec 9, 2022
Now that they cut the quota for us nonresidents, how do we know how many tags are going to be going to nonresidents in Area 5? It is probably the only legitimate chance I have to draw a tag with 23 points. Might have been able to get one had they not changed the quota for a couple years, but that is the kind of luck I have. Next up will be them cutting the deer tags as well and me not being able to draw a LQ tag with 17 points! Really wanted to hunt area 12 for sheep but that dream went by the wayside now that they are only giving one tag out for nonresidents.
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Nothing is cut yet. Wait until it actually happens and see how the cut is implemented and what system replaces the current one.
I looked at the draw odds for area 12, and they have 1 nonresident tag shown as being available in the draw, surprised the others aren't figured out yet.
Nothing is cut yet. Wait until it actually happens and see how the cut is implemented and what system replaces the current one.
Wait, I thought 90 10 was approved for msg? Randy's latest video mentioned it being a done deal as well
I think @Oak might be referring to the preference point situation, which of course is part of the NR puzzle. Yeah 90/10 m-s-g-griz is a done deal, HB0043 from last winter.
Based on the allocation it looks like there won't be any tags left in the random pool?
Based on the allocation it looks like there won't be any tags left in the random pool?
Based on the math I did last year when I heard about it with moose, I think there will be a lone bull moose tag for random. Not sure about sheep, goat and bison
Isn't it widely assumed that the task force "letters" will mostly be passed pretty easily by the WY legislature in some form?

At least the letters that passed with clear super majorities. Like the 14-2 vote on the PP to BP conversion...

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