Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Wyoming muledeer hunt


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2013
Decatur, OH
Dad and I just got back today from our Wyoming deer hunt. Conditions were tough with it being warm and dry. We saw several bucks, including a nice 150-155 class buck that we saw twice but both times he was right up next to a county road, one time he would have been legal for us to take since both us and the deer were at least 50 yards off the road and we wouldn't have been shooting toward or along the road. But, we hesitated and he walked into the brush and didn't show himself again that morning.

Anyways, we saw a lot of small deer, smelled a lot of smoke, logged a lot of mile, saw a lot of beautiful country. More importantly, I got to spend some quality time hunting with my 75 year old father.

Dad ended up missing a small 4 point when the deer took off eight before he pulled the trigger. I ended up with a small buck the last evening, which I'm glad to say will help feed the family and in this winter. Easy packout too as he was only 300 yards slightly downhill from a two track. I'd love to have gotten the bigger buck, but I'm content knowing I've got meat in the freezer and at least this one more hunt with my dad in the books.

Saw lots of deer on this ridge
And down this canyon20201007_191632.jpg
The Mullen fire about 15 miles as the crow flys
Staging area for the fire crews and their equipment. Heros every one and an extremely tough bunch.
As he lay...sorry forgot to wipe the blood off. He really had a beautiful coat.
"Meat tree"
Mountain hunting and hours riding is tough on an old man
Thanks for sharing. Looking forward to a late rifle whitetail hunt then muzzle-loader for elk with my 75 year old Pops here in November. We usually get some whitetail meat but the elk will be tougher.
Looks like fun. I’ll be doing the same thing with my Dad soon. Congratulations on the deer and the memories made.
Last time I hunted deer with my dad was 1986. He shot a small 3x3 muley. I passed on another one. Shot a big whitetail 5x5 two weeks later. Dad was crippled up with degenerative disk disease and I believe that was his last year in the field. He would have been only 62. He collapsed on the West Glacier Golf Course 1999 and two days later we took him off life support. Dad was with me when I shot a big cow elk on the third fairway back in 1979.
Value them memories. Last time I got to hunt with my dad was 1982. He passed away from degenerative heart failure in 1984. There are so many times when those memories come back for me and I wished he could be with me now.

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