Wyoming legislature let them know poll

That whole deal was cut and dried long ago. At the recent meeting in Cheyenne (I believe). Senator Stubson said that it had already moved through committee and is being presented and voted on in the near future. This was BEFORE the public was allowed to voice their opinion. This is how our Wyoming legislature works, NOT for us but for the legislators and the people they're beholden to.
That whole deal was cut and dried long ago. At the recent meeting in Cheyenne (I believe). Senator Stubson said that it had already moved through committee and is being presented and voted on in the near future. This was BEFORE the public was allowed to voice their opinion. This is how our Wyoming legislature works, NOT for us but for the legislators and the people they're beholden to.

Yes it is true, by the Cheyenne meeting it had already been voted on previously at the Riverton interim meeting and the public was allowed to comment there. It was a very large group that spoke against it there also; a few in favor. Big opposition doesn't seem to deter most on this committee. It has been said these legislators feel the opposition is coming from members of a few select sportsman and conservation groups.

How wrong they are about that....
Yes it is true, by the Cheyenne meeting it had already been voted on previously at the Riverton interim meeting and the public was allowed to comment there. It was a very large group that spoke against it there also; a few in favor. Big opposition doesn't seem to deter most on this committee. It has been said these legislators feel the opposition is coming from members of a few select sportsman and conservation groups.

How wrong they are about that....

Bebout, Miller and Stubson were allowed to babble on as long as they wanted in Riverton. The few citizens that were allowed to speak were limited to THREE minutes....what a farce that was. Why did they waste everyone's time having a meeting when the outcome was already decided?
This whole amendment is a waste of time for multiple reasons.

1. Its putting the cart in front of the horse. Its meaningless BS unless the State actually were to acquire Federal Lands. That's highly unlikely given the fact that Utah's lawsuit seems to be going nowhere. The Western States attorney generals see no legal path forward for PLT. Governor Mead also made similar statements that PLT is not legal and would be a disaster for Wyoming.

2. Its a poorly written amendment, as a best case. The amendment would result in years and years of litigation and the only citizens it would do anything for are Attorneys.

3. It doesn't address the issue of creating another branch of State Lands. Hicks, Bebout, Miller, Stubson all keep saying that the lands wouldn't be administered by the OSLI, but nowhere have I seen any mention of a new State Lands Division. As such, any newly acquired Federal lands would fall under the same state regulations as we have currently...no camping, administrative closures, no campfires, and a free for all on proposed land exchanges (to name a few of the problems that aren't addressed).

4. They've attempted to amend it already so that there is "no net loss" of lands or access. That's a pretty broad generalization...I'm not interested in trading elk hunting property for pronghorn property, simply because there is "no net loss to access".

These are just a few items, in a laundry list of concerns, that this thrown together amendment lamely tries to address. It is a waste of time.

Its also total crap that the people of Wyoming were not involved wayyy earlier on this amendment. The Legislature asks the Sportsmen community to collaborate with them, but have no problem dropping this type of deal on us a couple months before the session.

If their goal by running this amendment is to get Sportsmen to the table, they're going about it all wrong.

I've heard through the grapevine that this amendment probably isn't going anywhere, but until its dead, I'm not going to pump the brakes on total opposition.
I've heard through the grapevine that this amendment probably isn't going anywhere, but until its dead, I'm not going to pump the brakes on total opposition.

Keep after it, even when you think it's dead. Nothing is dead until the session is over.

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