Wyoming Elk Draw Proposed


Active member
Oct 28, 2016
I saw that Ch44 was posted on Wyoming’s website today with proposed application deadlines and modification deadlines. Looks like they are proposing to moving the drawing until May after the commission meeting sometime (May 8th modify/withdraw deadline) but they are keeping the application deadline at January 31.

Here is where you can provide comment:


Guess I assumed when they were talking about moving the draw back I assumed they would also move the draw deadline back until after tag #'s were finiailzed... Would seem that part of the point in moving it back also be that the hunters know the tag numbers for the units they are applying? Doesn't seem to make a lot of sense. Thanks for the feedback link :)
It does make sense to move the draw date to coincide with the resident draw. Solves all kinds of issues with allocation splits, seasons being approved BEFORE the tags are drawn, equitable distribution between R and NR splits, cost savings for the Department, etc. It also allows more opportunity for NR hunters to acquire elk tags.

The Wyoming Outfitters and Guides Association is the group responsible for keeping the application deadline the end of January...if you have a complaint contact WOGA.
It doesn't do much good to keep the app period jan 1 - Jan 31, and move the results to June...... unless you're an outfitter that want's to keep clients from applying in other states.

I recall the Commission voting to move the nr draw and this doesn't appear to be the change that was implied at that meeting.
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It doesn't do much good to keep the app period jan 1 - Jan 31, and move the results to June...... unless you're an outfitter that want's to keep clients from applying in other states.

I recall the Commission voting to move the nr draw and this doesn't appear to be the change that was implied at that meeting.

It does all the things I listed so does all the good intended.

But I agree it makes no sense to not allow NR's to apply up until the Resident deadline unless you're an outfitter.

Either way, Wyoming will sell every available NR elk tag.
I was at the Comm meeting where they voted on this. It got very confusing on the point of when they would have the application period for NR end. Comms were confused, G&F were confused, I was confused, but in the end, as I recall, this is what they voted on. Move draw date to May and leave application period as is.
I submitted my input. I haven't been a big fan of some of these recent changes. Requiring a credit card for all applications and then charging a credit card processing fee and now holding you and your money hostage for 4+ months for the elk draw is crazy.

They already do the same thing for sheep, goat, moose and bison though so I guess it shouldn't surprise me.
I know its fun to assume that the G&F is in bed with WYOGA and will do whatever is in their best interest. But keep in mind the vote that got the draw date moved back for NR's was rolled into a vote to keep the NR elk license allocation at 16% and the quota at 7,250. It was WYOGA that asked the G&F to increase the quota, with the intent to sell more NR gen elk licenses. It was 100% WYOGA members that spoke to the Comms about increasing the quota. At the 2 public comment meetings that I attended regarding this issue, it was 100% WYOGA members that pressed the G&F to increase the quota. Ultimately that request was voted down in the same vote that gave us the later NR draw date. Its not fair to say that the G&F will do whatever is in the interest of WYOGA. Sometimes they do and others they don't. IMO if keeping the app deadline in Jan was capitulation to WYOGA in exchange for denying their request for more NR elk licenses then I will take that as a win.
It does make sense to move the draw date to coincide with the resident draw. Solves all kinds of issues with allocation splits, seasons being approved BEFORE the tags are drawn, equitable distribution between R and NR splits, cost savings for the Department, etc. It also allows more opportunity for NR hunters to acquire elk tags.

The Wyoming Outfitters and Guides Association is the group responsible for keeping the application deadline the end of January...if you have a complaint contact WOGA.

WOGA doesn’t give a rip about myself or any other non-guided hunter. You should contact WY G&F and law makers. They’re the ones who get to choose whether or not to listen to WOGA. They’re also the ones who will have to deal with a budget shortfall if applications are down next year. WOGA won’t loose any money by irritating non-outfitted hunters. Lots of outfitters, guides and app services offer a float program meaning that they won’t loose any business.
WOGA doesn’t give a rip about myself or any other non-guided hunter. You should contact WY G&F and law makers. They’re the ones who get to choose whether or not to listen to WOGA. They’re also the ones who will have to deal with a budget shortfall if applications are down next year. WOGA won’t loose any money by irritating non-outfitted hunters. Lots of outfitters, guides and app services offer a float program meaning that they won’t loose any business.

Really? I would have never guessed, being new and all to wildlife politics.
Wait! I thought we all wanted applications to be down? I seem to remember hearing the complaint before that too many people were applying for tags and the wait time between tags was too long. Maybe I'm thinking about wait times for a ride at Disneyland. I'm so confused.
I don't think apps will be down. It actually makes sense to me. If they move the app date to May, some NRs will likely have obtained elk tags somewhere else by then. A January application still gives Wyoming first crack at NR elk hunter applications.
If they make the app period ending in January and not release results until end of May this has to be the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard of! I mean that’s ridiculous. U can’t hold ppl hostage and their money that long. I mean what’s wrong is wrong and this is wrong. Just because u can do something doesn’t mean u should. And making ppl decide their plans in January and making them wait that long when WY knows most of those ppl apply elsewhere isn’t fair or just. If they want to move it to May then move the app deadline too. At some point, everything doesn’t always have to be about money! Just treat ppl and your customers fair and things would be much better in all aspects of life.
I found this part interesting, is the rollover of LQ tags from NR to Residents new this year? Also the issuance of general tags to meet the NR total.quota:
If the seven thousand two hundred-fifty (7,250) license quota is not issued in the initial nonresident drawings, the Department may achieve the seven thousand two hundred-fifty (7,250) license quota by issuing nonresident general elk licenses. Licenses remaining for limited quota areas resulting from this procedure may be made available in the resident elk initial drawing .
As I understand it, they have always drawn LQ tags first at the 16% allocation. Whatever that number ends up being, minus the tags that don't count towards the quota, is subtracted from 7250 and the result are the number of NR gen elk licenses.
I found this part interesting, is the rollover of LQ tags from NR to Residents new this year? Also the issuance of general tags to meet the NR total.quota:
If the seven thousand two hundred-fifty (7,250) license quota is not issued in the initial nonresident drawings, the Department may achieve the seven thousand two hundred-fifty (7,250) license quota by issuing nonresident general elk licenses. Licenses remaining for limited quota areas resulting from this procedure may be made available in the resident elk initial drawing .

Nope, been in there for as long as I can remember and rarely happens.
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