PEAX Equipment

Wyoming Deer(s)


Mar 16, 2005
Sheridan, Wyoming
Haven't been on the site much at all this year. Didn't even put in for any tags this year. Might sound crazy to many of you hardcore (KUIU :D) hunters but life has been extremely difficult this year. Couple that with some very discouraging experiences the past two seasons and I had no desire to hunt this year. Needed to regroup, change tactics, get life back on track and see what happened next year. Wanted to get back to hunting for reasons I grew up hunting if I was going to do it anymore.

A good friend of mine called me on Saturday and asked if I wanted to go hunt deer. I've hunted with him before and one he's one of the few guys that would get me back to the field. Finn had some indirect influence on this too and is appreciated for what he stands for and provides to us her and on television. Anyway,we discussed and I purchased a license Sunday night at 8:30 at the Walmart. Got er' done! Not much time for planning so we hit an old standby area next morning (opening morning). Long story short, we found a group of 4 bucks and let them bed in the shade high on a hilltop from about a mile away. With borrowed rifle in hand we made a stock to about 300 yards. We glassed them for about 15 minutes, discussed warm dry conditions, chances we might have if we held off and I had to take my busy schedule into account. We decided to make the shot(s), made a plan and pulled off a double shot. Back to town by noon with meat hanging. I'm glad I did it. It felt right and I'll be getting back in the saddle.

Pics from iPhone, sorry for quality.


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Awesome. I've had a couple of discouraging years as well, plus totally striking out in Wyoming on pronghorns, but I have friends that I hunt with and they seem to make things ok
Good work, and great deer. Glad to see you are out and about.

That sure looks like a familiar area.....:D
that's too bad about the slump, nice too see you got back in the saddle thou.... that's why I don't do it for the horns... its the quality of people you are with on the particular hunt...... I usually only hunt with my close family and a few close friends just for that reason.... I hunt too put food on the table and too enjoy life with family and friends..... great combination....
Wow, nice job on the deer, in particular on short notice.

"Wanted to get back to hunting for reasons I grew up hunting if I was going to do it anymore."

I know exactly what you mean, hunting can really grind you down if you lose sight of the big-picture. Been there, done that...wont do it again.

I need to give you a call some time soon...I ran into your father-in-law while I was moose hunting with my Dad and Brother. He was deer hunting with a couple of his buddies, talked with him for an hour or so.
KRS - So glad that you got out and did this hunt. When life gets you down, just taking a weekend with a good friend and a rifle can cure a lot and get one's mind back to a point of comfort. Hope this is one of many good trips that you enjoy going forward. Congrats to both of you guys.
Good work, and great deer. Glad to see you are out and about.

That sure looks like a familiar area.....:D

Not out and about very much although this one did me good. The only thing that has gone well is work. Outside of the office has been disastrous. Give me a call sometime and we'll catch up.

Yes you know the area too. Good timing I suppose. :D
I need to give you a call some time soon...I ran into your father-in-law while I was moose hunting with my Dad and Brother. He was deer hunting with a couple of his buddies, talked with him for an hour or so.

You were a long way from home if you ran into my father in law. Big Piney neighborhood? Give me a call anytime. Number changed. 399-9487
Nice bucks, whether it was short notice or not! I have to agree, getting out hunting and see the beautiful country and animals we all get to enjoy brings life back into perspective for me. Even if tag soup is all I get to eat, it is still awesome to be out there away from "reality" and the rat race that is life!
Hey, glad you got out. A couple of nice bucks, and it sounds like a fun hunt. Hope you get out more in the future. Just not worth it if you're not having fun.