Wyoming Archery Pronghorns


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2001
Laramie, WY
Decided to scout some antelope bucks this weekend for the upcoming rifle hunt and figured I may as well throw the bow in. A buddy of mines Dad drew a tag in the same area and brought a couple blinds along. I've never hunted antelope much with a bow and never from a blind, but figured I'd give it a try.

I had around 60 antelope come into the water and could have killed 15-20 bucks from yearling bucks up to low P&Y bucks the largest maybe going 73 inches.

However, since I had a couple doe tags, figured I'd fill them if I had a good chance at does without fawns.

The first morning all the does I saw had fawns, so I spared making orphans out of the fawns. Then about 4:30 the first day, a lone doe came in. She was at the far end of the waterhole and was 45 yards out. I figured what the heck and took a shot. She only made it about 40-50 yards and tumbled into a patch of sagebrush. The pictures are bloody, but there wasnt much I could do to clean them up.


The next day, right at 11:00 am I had 5 customers at 32 yards from the blind, two mature does and 3 bucks in the 13-14 inch range. I shot the closest doe through the on-side shoulder. She dove into the waterhole, jumped back out and didnt make it but 12 yards. The arrow broke the shoulder and buried to the fletch with the broadhead exiting about 6 inches behind the off-shoulder.

Heres a picture from the blind with the doe laying right where she fell.


The second doe:


Pretty good time and the first two antelope I've ever shot with a bow.
Nice!! Hope you tied an 80" buck up for me while you were up there.
Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

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