WY Preference Points


Active member
Nov 20, 2018
Was checking my preference points for Antelope and I should be at 2 since I failed to get drawn this year, When I pull up the screen it says Total points as of 6/19/19 is 1. But above it is says I was unsuccessful for antelope this year. I assume at the draw next year I will be at 2 since the total of 1 is as of 6/19/19 which is before the draw for 2018?
I feel stupid now, I thought if you failed to draw they kept $ for a preference point. Looks like I learned the hard way on that one.
You’re not gonna be alone. There are going to be quite a few folks, I think, that will assume the same since that’s the way WY has done it in the past.
I'd love to apply in more states but it is hard enough to track changes in the 5 states I apply... and I'm working on Alaska for state #6, which should probably count as 3-4 states in the contiguous.
my darn profile just shows my draw results.

i know what my pps should be, but i like to go see em.
I did buy points in August, but the web site still only shows what I had as of 6/19/19. It would be nice if the system allowed us to see our current total, but I have confirmation numbers from the point purchases so I'm not gonna sweat it.
Did you apply in 2018? I don't think the G&F changed how they award preference points. Mine add up just fine.
And if you were awarded one in the draw this year you shouldn't be able to buy one this year as well.
Just changed this year I bought mine on the last day cause my hunting buddy informed me otherwise I would have missed out. Be interesting how many people didn’t know the change.
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