PEAX Equipment

WY NR hunters...HB236

I was pretty drunk last night when I read this and replied to it jokingly. What exactly is this suposed to mean? Is it some sort of slam against me for getting VA disability and being able to live on it withoout working a 'real' job? I still pay my child support, and even money above and beyond it. I stil pay my mortgage and taxes that go along with it. I'm still a contributing member of society and to my community. I vote and write letters to the state governments and the the DPW about things I feel are pertinent. I go to college and will be graduating in May with my associates degree. Me not working allows me more time to travel and see my sons and visit family and friends back in NY. I hunt as much as possible around my school and travel schedules. I'm not complaining about the rising fees in Wyoming, and will continue to hunt there. I gave 15 years of my life to this country and saw 3 combat tours. I've been stabbed and shot and got hit with 2 IED blasts. I was given Last Rights in the hospital in Baghdad and was told in Ft Hood that I would be wheelchair bound by the time I was 40. Well, I lived, and I'm not in the wheelchair. I can pretty much do anything, it just hurts pretty bad and it takes me longer, but I'll continue to do the things I can do. So, if you would be so kind, tell me what you meant with your gov''t cheese comment...
I think he was referring to Buzz working for the USFS. Not military folks.

BTW Thanks for your service as well.
John - You don't owe anyone an explanation. Those who want to make such ignorant and adolescent comments have not been down your path. Ignore them. Know that a lot of people are thankful for the sacrifice of you and others and wish you nothing but good things. We admire how you have persevered over events that we cannot even imagine. You would be welcome in our camps, any day.
I think he was referring to Buzz working for the USFS. Not military folks.

BTW Thanks for your service as well.

No he wasn't referring to Buzz. Go read the post. He directly quoted John. Wyodeerhunter again proves his maturity level.

That post he just made, has pissed me off more than any of the stupid chit Wyo has ever posted here, and he has posted some of the most stupid comments of any person here. He contributes nothing of value. Nothing but wise ass comments such as that one.

I am going to go shovel some snow in hopes that letting off a little steam will change my mind about banning the person who displays the most ignorant behavior of any person on this site.
I think he was referring to Buzz working for the USFS. Not military folks.

BTW Thanks for your service as well.

He quoted Cushman...I really wish, for his sake, he'd of been talking about me instead though.

I hear crap like that all the time regarding civil service, goes with the territory and I expect it. I couldnt care less if I tried.

Its sad though, that someone would bash Cushman for his service...just a total lack of respect for someone you dont know.

The military, just like other employers, have an employee benefit package that comes with the job...G.I. Bill, VA care, TSP, etc.

Wyodeerhunter needs to get over well as his over-inflated ego.
If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all,,,, unfortunately is never followed on the internet.

I shake my head.:(

You have been DDT'd WYODeerhunter.
yeah...and its a crock of shit that I'm able to do it. I wrote and called the Montana legislature and voiced my opposition to it.

But, if MT legislators wont listen to the reasons why this law is crap, from someone that is going to benefit from it...then I'll just play their game.

I believe theres a 4 year sunset clause on the get your "good deal" while you can.

So what is your issue with it? Is it the revenue aspect or is it a fairness issue?
Sorry guys,

I just couldn't imagine WYODH was messing with John of all people. Obviously I was wrong, my bad.

John you have my utmost respect for what you have done and sacrificed for this country.

Thanks so much.
You have been DDT'd WYODeerhunter.

Yes, he has.

Blowing snow did nothing to calm me down. While removing the fresh six inches from the driveway, I watched as the 80+ year-old neighbor across the road, a Korean War vet, struggled to walk to his mail box and get the morning paper. He has his share of scars and stories of his time in the service. He came back, went to college, and became a teacher.

Looking at him and the respect he gets from me, the same as I try to give all veterans, made me realize that my high tolerance level for differing behaviors results in some damn offensive stuff to those who I hold in high esteem. I am not going to have a platform I own used by folks who, when drunk or stoned, sober or straight, want to use that platform to act in such a way.

My very high tolerance level for differing behaviors has probably been a negative to the overall enjoyment of this site. Rest assured, my tolerance level has dropped many degrees over the last month.

There are a few more here who seem to use this site as nothing more than a place to express their alter ego, providing no value, having no interest of furthering intelligent debate, share no information, and only serve to run off new members. Anyone who can't have a discussion without getting pissed off at a person with a differing opinion, needs to pack their keyboard and head to a different site. Differences are good, when expressed intelligently. When expressed at the toddler level, they have no use here.

2013 will be the year when Hunt Talk does a little house cleaning for the betterment of intelligent discussion and to clear the debris for the many great members who add value to this site. Cleaning time it is, and I am the janitor.
Yes, he has.
Rest assured, my tolerance level has dropped many degrees over the last month.

2013 will be the year when Hunt Talk does a little house cleaning for the betterment of intelligent discussion and to clear the debris for the many great members who add value to this site. Cleaning time it is, and I am the janitor.

I like it. You did what you needed to do.

I used to work for a small company. Unfortunately, the boss had to let a guy go due to lack of productivity. His speech to us.

"I have owned this company for 15 years, and letting XXXX go is tough. But I needed to be done. This is the first time I have ever had to fire anyone. I have heard it becomes easier after the first time you do it. Are any of you looking to find out?" (He wasn't big on self esteem!;)

Now back on subject.
So what is your issue with it? Is it the revenue aspect or is it a fairness issue?


A couple things really...

1. I think its a bad precedent to set when you legislate things like the NR native bill. A vast majority of Montana residents are not in favor of bills like that. Further, it was brought to the legislature by someone who wanted their family to hunt on the cheap. IMO, the legislature/legislators, shouldnt be passing this kind of bill for their own self interest. They work for ALL their constituents, and I can assure you, that a majority were not in favor of this bill.

2. Its a revenue drain on the MTFWP, I'd of spent nearly 1k for the same license (and did the 11 years prior).

While I'm a recipient of the bill and will buy those Native tags as long as possible (yeah, I know, I'm a hypocrit)...I'd much rather they werent available.

Just poor legislation brought about by self-serving interests...never been a fan of that behaviour.

You might have a crappy attitude :) , but anyone has given what you've given for our country is a good dude in my book!

Thank you for your service!

By the way, do you still have a crappy attitude now that the kennetecks are sold? ;)

A couple things really...

1. I think its a bad precedent to set when you legislate things like the NR native bill. A vast majority of Montana residents are not in favor of bills like that. Further, it was brought to the legislature by someone who wanted their family to hunt on the cheap. IMO, the legislature/legislators, shouldnt be passing this kind of bill for their own self interest. They work for ALL their constituents, and I can assure you, that a majority were not in favor of this bill.

2. Its a revenue drain on the MTFWP, I'd of spent nearly 1k for the same license (and did the 11 years prior).

While I'm a recipient of the bill and will buy those Native tags as long as possible (yeah, I know, I'm a hypocrit)...I'd much rather they werent available.

Just poor legislation brought about by self-serving interests...never been a fan of that behaviour.

I think the spirit of the bill was ok, but I do wonder what the actual number of NR natives have taken advantage and what the revenue loss amounted to or will amount to.
I was pretty drunk last night when I read this and replied to it jokingly. What exactly is this suposed to mean? Is it some sort of slam against me for getting VA disability and being able to live on it withoout working a 'real' job? I still pay my child support, and even money above and beyond it. I stil pay my mortgage and taxes that go along with it. I'm still a contributing member of society and to my community. I vote and write letters to the state governments and the the DPW about things I feel are pertinent. I go to college and will be graduating in May with my associates degree. Me not working allows me more time to travel and see my sons and visit family and friends back in NY. I hunt as much as possible around my school and travel schedules. I'm not complaining about the rising fees in Wyoming, and will continue to hunt there. I gave 15 years of my life to this country and saw 3 combat tours. I've been stabbed and shot and got hit with 2 IED blasts. I was given Last Rights in the hospital in Baghdad and was told in Ft Hood that I would be wheelchair bound by the time I was 40. Well, I lived, and I'm not in the wheelchair. I can pretty much do anything, it just hurts pretty bad and it takes me longer, but I'll continue to do the things I can do. So, if you would be so kind, tell me what you meant with your gov''t cheese comment...

John, the majority of respectful people in this world thank you immensly for your service to this country and take severe offense to the comment WYO made to you.

Thanks John for your service!
By the way, do you still have a crappy attitude now that the kennetecks are sold? ;)

Actually my attitude has gotten alot better in my old age. I finally sat back and realized I do have knowledge that could help people. So, instead of blasting newbs looking for a handout, I just ignore them now. If a newb comes on here and has tried to do something for themselves and are just asking for clarification on what research they have done, I am all for helping them out if I can. I still like making snide comments from time to time, but it's in good humor and anyone that knows me well enough realizes that. But, I am no longer getting involved in arguments and being insulting. I've met and hunted with a couple guys on this sight and it's been an awesome experience, so I don't want to jeopardize that with bullshit that used to flow so freely from me. So, now that I've bought a house and a truck and am doing good in college, I'm trying this whole grown up thing. :cool:
Actually my attitude has gotten alot better in my old age. I finally sat back and realized I do have knowledge that could help people. So, instead of blasting newbs looking for a handout, I just ignore them now. If a newb comes on here and has tried to do something for themselves and are just asking for clarification on what research they have done, I am all for helping them out if I can. I still like making snide comments from time to time, but it's in good humor and anyone that knows me well enough realizes that. But, I am no longer getting involved in arguments and being insulting. I've met and hunted with a couple guys on this sight and it's been an awesome experience, so I don't want to jeopardize that with bullshit that used to flow so freely from me. So, now that I've bought a house and a truck and am doing good in college, I'm trying this whole grown up thing. :cool:

next step...getting rid of the smokes in your success pics ;) keep on keepin on!:D
No he wasn't referring to Buzz. Go read the post. He directly quoted John. Wyodeerhunter again proves his maturity level.

That post he just made, has pissed me off more than any of the stupid chit Wyo has ever posted here, and he has posted some of the most stupid comments of any person here. He contributes nothing of value. Nothing but wise ass comments such as that one.

I am going to go shovel some snow in hopes that letting off a little steam will change my mind about banning the person who displays the most ignorant behavior of any person on this site.

Shouldn't ban him for the comment, yes it was an ugly comment and I'll be the first to disagree with it. Before everyone goes off on me I do want to state that my dad was in the military and my younger brother currently is serving. I've heard comments like this from others about my brother or dad, my mom hates, it when people say it, I do too. But I always remind her that people like my brother, dad, John, and many millions more served to allows us to have those freedoms to say those comments, and my brother will be the first to agree with me on that. If you're going to ban someone because of a comment they made or because of their personality then you might as well shut down the entire site. Now this forum is part of a business and Randy can do with it as he wants, that's his right, but you can't be a supporter of the 1st Amendment, and then turn around and ban someone because you or others don't like their comments. Might as well remove any of the threads about control too if you're going to do that. I know I'm probably going to get a lot of heat for this post, which I'll more than accept but when I see fellow American trying to restrict another American's opinions or point of view, I view that as an insult to my dad, brother, John and many others that have done so much for the freedoms we have. Just my two cents, take it for what it's worth.
NEHunter---My Dad was a WWII Vet and just passed on 9/11/11 and I served three years in the Army Vet Corp back when Viet Nam was going hot and heavy in order for us to have the right to free speech, etc. What you stated is true to some extent, but IMHO Randy mentioned several weeks ago that he was getting tired of certain members always posting negative comments and just posting to stir up trouble. I think this member being banned was the culmination of his many posts since I've been a member that were nothing more than to stir the pot and ruin people's time on this great website and it was not just one post that led to his ban. One other member who has ruffled many a feather on this site just for the purpose of being a pot stirrer hasn't been back since Randy mentioned him by name in that post and I, for one, don't miss him one damn bit!!!
I think the spirit of the bill was ok, but I do wonder what the actual number of NR natives have taken advantage and what the revenue loss amounted to or will amount to.

I think there were 1400 or so issued...out of those, hard to say how many wouldnt have bought a license if it wasnt for the cheap fee...but assuming that say, 1000 would have.

Thats about $80,000 in lost revenue....

I bet more will take advantage of it as they learn about, I wouldnt be surprised over the next 4 years to see 250-500K in lost revenue.
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