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WTF! Really??!!??


New member
Dec 26, 2005
Modoc County, California

Really??!!?? What kind of P.O.S. blames their "friend", that believed they were rescuing said P.O.S. from imminent death or dismemberment. Then your going to claim being pulled out of the vehicle caused your paralysis. How can you even begin to claim a malicious intent? Don't even get me started on the P.O.S.'s scumbag lawyer. I'd wager he has an advertisement on television, at a minimum bus stop benches. God forbid you blame your shitty ass driving that got you wrapped around a power pole in the first place. What the hell was the judge thinking? People make me sick, and pompous asses wonder why people are so uncaring to one another. Why should I give a shit about you when later your going to try to take all that I've worked for.:BLEEP:

Rant over.
Van Horn's lawyer could give a shit less for her or the defendent...he's a deep pocket scavenger.
can you say mcdonalds and hot coffee? and you wonder why this country is so fugged up?|oo
It is definatley sad that if we see someone in trouble we have to think about getting sued before we help :confused:
Glad I wasn't the only one who had the same thought when I saw that.

Like Heeler said, "WTF?"

This country has way too many attorneys and some crack smokin' judges.

too bad the car didn't explode on contact to rid this world of that POS....better yet, too bad the car didn't crash into that judge's house then explode
Its happened in the past, at least I know here in AZ it has. its pretty damn bad if you think about it.
in the early 90s there was wreck on I-17 the guys leg was pumping out blood ( his leg was mangled and it cut the main artery.
I forget the exact details there was a off duty cop or a off duty nurse/doctor and they applied a tournquite to stop the bleeding. they did it the correct way loosen for a bit tighten etc etc.
well the guy ended up loosing his leg which was pretty much a givin already. he went and sued the person and people ( yes more that one) who were helping him and he won millions.

I guess do to this , thats the reason cops arent allowed to preform CPR and do medical things, they have to have a medic there or special training. we found this out about 6-8 years ago when the neighbors kid was found floating in the pool, I jumped the fence after hearing the screaming, April ran through the front door of the house and started to preform CPR on the kid. the cop next door jumped his fence and came to help. April just had her refresher course in CPR and what was only about 10-20 mins seemed like hours. she was giving mouth to mouth and chest compressions until Robert showed up then he did the chest compressions, while april did the mouth to mouth.later after the kid was air evac the cops asked april some typical questions, then they hammered robert about exactly what part he preformed and howlong etc etc.( they didnt ask April those questions)
when everything was done We were asking Robert why he ws basically being drilled and he explained to us that because he was a cop he could get sued if something went wrong and they had a strict policy. He was telling us that CPR wasnt requiered for the cops and they didnt want them preforming CPR and to wait for medics.
Kinda blew me away but I understood.

Its just what he had told us and I believe him cause he aint a bullshitter.

another one was on dec 4th April and I were headed to laughlin for our aniversty. there was a bad car wreck, I mean really bad. 1 hour south of kingman 1.5 hours north of whickenburg. we got lucky and didnt hit any cars( how I will never figure it out) one car rolled down a hill with 4 teen age kids in it. Ironically they lived down the street from us( we found out later) they were trapped in the car upside down on the side of a hill. I went down the hill and ripped the door off I have no clue how but it came completely off. Thank god everyone was wearing a seat belt. the one kid in the back seat crawled out of the window the 2 girls in the front were upside down strapped in by the seat belts one had the top of a pop bottle embedded just above the top of her knee( the part that is just above the label to the spout). there wasnt much blood and she wanted it out. I didnt let her take it out. I used my back to get her out we put her on the side of the road, the kid in the back seat was in pretty bad shape he had pain everywhere. the problem was we had 4 guys holding the car so it woudlnt slide down the hill we had to get him out. after figuring he could roll with the car or get out we got him out. Thank fully we didnt cause any more problems to him. I believe he had a broken collar bone and some neck pain. 1.5 hours later a cop showed up 1 hour later air evac showed. there was no cell service and the 2 or 3 people that did stop to ask if we needed help called for help as soon as they could.
only one cop showed he told us to keep doing what we were doing and he would keep and eye on traffic for the airevac. He also later told me the same thing that if the public has it under control not to help due to lawsuits.

I guess you just have to use your best judgement to the situation at hand, if someone did sue me for causieng more damage I would still help the next person and wouldnt think about it. However in court my only statement would be "well I guess I should have let you burn to death or bleed to death" .

Kinda sad when you have to think about being sued, before you help someone out.
Similar to what Delw said, Myself and a friend who is a Doctor were driving to a store when we came upon a pretty ugly crash, no police on site yet. I asked if he was going to stop and see if he could help (Later, I realized it was not my place to have said that). His reply to me was "If I did one thing wrong I would lose everything and I have Malpractice Insurance!" So the Lawyers have made it this way, gotta cover your ass before you can render aid. John
+1 with Buckmania on that....heeler, sounds like your familiar with Max G. Arnold down our way...nothing like looking for a lawyer on a billboard :rolleyes:|oo
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