Wounded Boar Charge

Double Naught Spy

New member
Dec 14, 2014
North Central Texas

I have to admit, there may have been some panic shooting there at the end when I started moving off of the proverbial X, but it all turned out well. Every time I watch the video, I get a bit scared all over again. I kind of like it. My wife was not pleased with the video. Apparently, I am not supposed to let the hogs get that close...as if that is a rule or something, LOL.

I counted 5 definite hits in the video before the panic shooting and only found three wounds, two of which were a single through and through of the testicles and hind quarter. It is like the hog swallowed up the shots and sealed up...pretty cool and very disturbing.

You can buy fresh underwear from Walmart in the middle of the night, in case anyone was wondering.
I would have crapped myself!
Wish i had a gun like that, i would have been screwed as i can only load a max of 5 rounds.
Do you think it was sods law he ran at you or he wanted to kill you?
BTW, i made these sticks (it isnt me in the pic!) it's like shooting off a bipod.

Wow, awesome video. I not sure I would have been as composed afterwords. Also, there would have been new and inventive curse words being used. Good job!
I was surprised I didn't use any bad language either. That was about as scared as I have gotten while hog hunting. I thought he had me for sure.

D D, those are some cool sticks! I usually use tripod Trigger Sticks, but I was hunting from a stand and had no intent to go stalking. Silly me. So I used a dead branch off the ground as a monopod. It worked better than I expected.
Looked like he definitely altered his course directly to the gunshots.. Exciting stuff.

Keep up the good work, I enjoy your hog hunting posts.
That was one very focused pig. Best advertisement for high capacity magazines I have ever seen.
I can only guess what C.S.M.F. stands for. My dad used to string together profanities that would make a sailor blush.
I would have crapped myself!
Wish i had a gun like that, i would have been screwed as i can only load a max of 5 rounds.
Do you think it was sods law he ran at you or he wanted to kill you?
BTW, i made these sticks (it isnt me in the pic!) it's like shooting off a bipod.


Richard, even though he has left us, the guy in your photo resembles Sir Alistair Cooke.
I would not really call that a charge and WTH, he can't kill it with the first shot? LOL
Caribou Gear

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