Worst wild game dish

Probably the legs off a wild turkey. I grilled them along with the breast. The breast was tough, but had good flavor but I was unable to consume the legs. With all the tendons and chewiness I couldn't get it down.

I guess I don't really remember the taste one way or the other, just the fact that it was the toughest thing I've ever attempted to consume.

I crockpot those and pick the bones out before eating. I like them for anything you'd use pulled meat for.
My cooking skills have ruined a few cuts/fish.

My most recent flop was smoking Lake trout. I had been smoking salmon recently, and didn't think about how long to leave the fish in the brine, and left it in 24hrs like I would salmon. It all turned into fish spread/dip, and I still didn't feel right sharing it it was so salty, so I suffered through it myself with about 3 gallons of water.....
Mergansers. Naaaaaaaaaaaaaasty. Old Squaws are bad too.

Father in law made fish spaghetti one time. He's a pretty damn good cook but I have no idea what he was thinking on that one.
Basically over salting in my life's work and I constantly fight the issue. Over cured some trout, rinsed them off but the damage was done. I dumped it out in the sagebrush hoping I wouldn't kill anything from salt.

My first attempt at brats was my biggest fail ever with antelope. I bought a brat mix from Cabelas that I think was mislabeled because it was basically onion and garlic flavored. Against my better judgement I didn't add any fat. They were miserable. Dry, garlicy, gamey (overcooked antelope seems to have a flavor).

I once made jerky from a bunch of mallards. Some of it was delicious but a random piece tasted like rotten fish...you never really knew which it would be until you bit into it. The issue was the good pieces were so good it was almost worth the risk of getting a bad one. I never did figure out what went wrong.
Deer ribs I carved off the animal and through on the grill. I don't think a wolverine could have chewed through them. My best friend made bbq goose breasts that was so bad i will never try to shoot a goose.
At times, especially early in my culinary exploration, I made some dishes that looking back on it now, I think "Well of course that failed!". Chicken fried duck breast without pounding the meat thin equates to a raw interior and bloody, soggy breading.

Similar to npaden, one time I had the bright idea to smoke some turkey legs. I am pretty sure the sharpest teeth in the animal kingdom would not be able to chew that result.

Finally, I tried my first liver dish last year following Hank Shaw's recipe. I do believe that will be the one and only time I ever keep a liver.
I was about to stop building goat points, due to my irrational fear of heights. I think you just gave me a 2nd reason.

My brother shot a billy the last weekend of season once. Tasted and smelled like it was marinated in urine. Not even close to edible.
Whole goose breasts in a frying pan with stewed tomatoes and onions... it’s been 25 years and I can still picture myself gagging... maybe wouldn’t have been bad if the meat would have been diced up a bit but with them being whole they were huge, dense and tough...
Mud hen Pie. I do not know what I was thinking....
Any wild boar over 250lbs. I can still smell the ammonia cooking...yuck.
Diver Ducks1313...?you mean Coots.Was at a Bass tournament
and my brother shot one.We used it for bait trying to get
Crawdads for dinner,I think we drove all of em' out of the cove.:cool:
Smoked boar javalina. The thing smelled terrible when I skinned it. After I got it skinned and cleaned up, it didn't smell bad. I smoked one of the hams. After smoking, it looked good, it smelled good, and it even tasted good at first. When that after taste hit though, it was just like it smelled before I skinned it.
Interesting, growing up in the scrub lands of Florida, snipe was the most elusive prize for my brother and I when we would set out on .410 grab bag adventures. I can't remember what they taste like though, but I will never forget how hard they are to hit.

I agree, I was so happy to finally get one I had to try it, never again. Still would like to get another, for a mount.
Mountain goat billy in rut. Smell alone would make you hurl.

I understand that the meat is vile enough that you're nor required to pack it out.

There was a series of yearbooks years ago called Deer and Deer Hunting after the magazine of the same name] that had an article about a marinade that made it fit to eat.
Diver Ducks1313...?you mean Coots.Was at a Bass tournament
and my brother shot one.We used it for bait trying to get
Crawdads for dinner,I think we drove all of em' out of the cove.:cool:

It was my first season duck hunting and I was going after everything... mix of golden eyes and mergansers