Wolves in the Flathead Valley


New member
Aug 5, 2009
Hippyville, Idaho
I just got off the phone with my mom and sister. they live about 1/2 mile apart just across the Flathead river from the airport. I guess for the past couple of months they have thought they had been seeing wolves between the houses and along the river. They shrugged it off thinking that it was coyotes. Tonight they called me up and said to listen, sure enough you could hear them over the phone and sent some pics over the phone. Apparently my brother and law and his dad left his elk hanging outside the garage in the tree while the get the garage set up for butchering. While hanging the wolves appeared and dug in. There are about 5-6 of them. I'm headed over there for thanksgiving. plan on hanging tree stand and throwing scrap meat to see if they show up so I can confirm with camera. If it's true then F&G has there work cut out for them or I just may have to "unload" on them to get down.;) (Deer hunting and they showed up and won't let me down will be the story I'm thinking......) (no i will not be shooting due to some law saying it's illegal. for those of you that don't see my sarcasm)
The outfitter that works the basin I hunt took pictures of a pack of six on my bull's carcass the day after I hauled the meat out.
Hope I can get a hold of them. Headed in next week to set up some game cams over the winter and hopefully get some cool shots.

One way to look at it though is that once they come into town, they're all but done for.
Might be somebody's tame wolves running loose too. When I lived in Missoula every 3rd cousin had a pet wolf or hybrid. I suppose they could be wild wolves, but that sounds like they don't have very much fear of man to me...
I was curious what happened over T-giving. Did you see or hear those wolves? Any sign of them? I know some people that have property on that side of the river across from Pressentine boat launch. Might be worth putting a trail cam out there, maybe get some good pics.
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