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Wolves Being Wolves (cool pics)


Well-known member
Nov 15, 2004
"Land of Giant Rams"
And Matt K doesn't think wolves are very impressive.


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BHR- When did I say I didn't think wolves were impressive? Do you just like to make shit up or what? I've seen quite a few similar sets of photographs with wolves taking down elk and moose. They are efficient hunters and a formidable predator. Other than tracks and heard howling, I've never seen a wolf outside Yellowstone Park. They looked like really big dogs. The howling puts a chill down my spine, something I wasn't anticipating. I heard those while moose hunting two years ago and again last year with my dad.
The howling puts a chill down my spine,

he also said you were spineless........ Im glad thats cleared up.
Just trolling,,,,,I don't think I have the wit to stay,,,,,,I enjoy reading these posts tho,,,,pretty funny stuff,,,,,the bantering back and forth,,,,,you're a little hard on those Bozeman guys but that's pretty funny too,,,,,,
Hey,,,,when you put lots of,,,,,,in between your words,,,,,it looks funny,,,,,I mean,,,,,,we get it,,,,,,there is a comma,,,,,,, in the sentence.........

Maybe,,,,,,we should all start typing this way..... What do you think??????? I,,,,,,personally like,,,,,the idea!!!!!!!!

Don't you also post on MM,,,,,,,under another name?????

Did you look up sardonic yet?
By the way, welcome to Hunttalk! This ain't MM!
Id Hunters.... I actually type alot like that. I stop and Think and Pause and then........ Well........... I keep typing :D

It has to be Periods though...... not coma's. Thats just Stupid ;) is 'wit't'stay?'

it means he is uncomfortable posting somewhere that requires him frequent dictionary visits. :D

and about his typing skills,.......he may have said "kiss his ass".
Must be lower 48 wolves. If this was from Canada we would have seen another pic with a pile of dead mutts. No collars either.....must be one of those "undocumented" packs that Ithaca say's only exist in our imagination.
I found a link somwhere, the pic's were taken from a helicopter, a biologist in Wisconsin, the pilot spotted a moose, then saw the wolves walking by, so they flew in to see if the wolves would see the moose. They did and this is what happened next. The same guys a week earilier had witnessed one pack kill the leader of another pack. These packs are definitely documented.
I just try and type really slow so everyone can understand what I doesn't always work.
The forwarded email to me said it was from a tree stand.....someone's putting out mis-information. Guess an island in the middle of Lake Superior that's off limits to hunting and cattle grazing is a good place to let nature take it's coarse. Noisey helicopters buzzing around shooting snuff pics. should be banned as well......right S. S.?
Those are some very cool pics. I am from arizona and have not hunted outside of the state. The closest thing to a wolf I have seen is a coyote in a winter coat.

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