Wolf Trapping?


Feb 17, 2012
Helena, MT

I got a kick out of this article which was posted by Footloose Montana. It's amazing that once again how misinformed people can be. I have been pondering if trapping wolves would be another good way to assist in controlling the wolf problem. Recently while down in Vegas at the RMEF convention I spoke with people from Alaska about trapping wolves. They informed me that it works great. I wouldn't want to jeopardize the season we already have by being able to hunt them, but figured it would be another way of controlling them. The last thing needed is for them to be re listed. This was the first article I read and was amazed how people believe there is no regulations or licenses for trapping.
All they're doing is discrediting themselves with crap like that. I hope they have more crazy off the wall articles and people will eventually stop reading them. Those that don't are merely sheep.
The MT plan already allows for trapping. The Trappers Assoc. has asked to hold off for the time being, given they almost lost trapping in the 2010 ballot initiative.

If hunters do not support trapping and support it with vigor, we are going to lose one of our best management tools.
Trapping is a good tool for areas like the Lolo and selway in Idaho. Some areas are just to thick and or remote for the population to be kept in check by hunters.
Trapping is a good tool for areas like the Lolo and selway in Idaho. Some areas are just to thick and or remote for the population to be kept in check by hunters.

The big issue in the room is Footloose's initiative to ban trapping on public lands. We'll all need to pull together to combat that.

As Randy noted, it's in the MT Management plan. It's an accepted use, and a conservative trapping season for 2012 wouldn't violate our ability to keep management of wolves.

I've not heard from MTA or MFBA on this yet, but hope to soon.
randy is exactly right about hunters defending trapping.I will take it one step further and say that if they outlaw trapping where you live, hunting will be their next target.Trappers numbers are way down and we need all the support we can get.Anti's won't stop with just trappers,but we're an easy target right now
alot of you diy guys would love trapping if you gave it a shot.It will certainly make you a better hunter.I'd love to come to Mt. or Id. and trap some wolves.couldn't get much cooler then that
You hear all the time about how the biologists look upon animals like the Wolverine, Grizzly, and Wolf, as "Indicator" species. They let us know the health of a certain ecosystem.

Trapping, is our "Indicator" outdoor activity. If trapping goes by the wayside, or it's activity is greatly curtailed, that will let know the health of these other outdoor activities that we all share.

Trapping is a good insulator for all other hunting and fishing activities.
Thanks for the input. More information on issues that I'm unaware of. So glad I joined the forums to keep more updated on these things. I personally do not trap but glad to help get the word out on the issues with trapping. I do have a lot of friends that spend much of the off season trapping and know how important it is.
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