Wolf politics #563 - the gift that keeps on giving

We all need a season, T. The Simpson/Tester rider will help MN by showing the enviros that reasonable people are doing dorking around on this issue. Keep fighting for what's right.

TNewberg- In light of your recent join date and your admonition for Ben Lamb to "get real" I would suggest that you spend a few hours reading back through some of the old wolf threads and educate yourself on just how "real" Ben and the others on here really are concerning the wolf issue.

You might have surmised from the lack of "the sky is falling" and "kill all the *^%$&&* wolves" hyperbole, that Ben is against killing wolves. However, unlike some other "sportsmans groups" who depend on the wolf issue for fundraising and from all appearances have actually been working with the real wolf lover groups to kill the best chance at the states regaining control, Ben, Randy, and others have been working with the overall good of all hunters in mind.

There aren't any "wolf lovers on here." Except for maybe Shoots-Straight. He's been referred to on other forums as a "&$&%&&%% wolf lover". :) (Sarcasm)

Gerry, Good thing we at the end of this legislative session, and my spirits are in a better place. :D

I've been called much worse than a wolf lover. Something about a eco terrorist something or anther. I'm looking forward to "loving" my first "FULLY "tranquilized wolf.:eek:
Something about a eco terrorist something or anther

SS- My humble apologies. I didn't mean to leave out part of your title. I know you've worked so hard for it. :)
Looks like it his going to happen for you guys hopefully, new article on it on the bozeman chronicle, quoted that wildlife advocates have conceded on tuesday, which is today, that this will be in the budget. Hopefully good news for you guys, may i say an early congrat's?
SS is the quintessential purveyor of Haydukian diplomacy.;)

I couldn't find what "Haydukian" meant, but when I googled it, I found this:

1 definition by Brandon Hayduke1. dick jam 3 up, 1 down
buy dick jam mugs, tshirts and magnets A male who has an inability to get laid by the opposite sex thus only jams his member against everything elseBob spent 2000 dollars on that hooker and only got a hug at the end of the night, what a dick jam.
eternal virgin no game lack of game nerd dick jam
by Brandon Hayduke Jan 27, 2008 share this

So Dick Jam, what you going do now?;)
I couldn't find what "Haydukian" meant, but when I googled it, I found this:
quote shoots-straight

George Washington Hayduke is a fictional character in Edward Abbey's novels The Monkey Wrench Gang and Hayduke Lives. Hayduke is an ex-Green Beret, one-time explosives expert and medical assistant to the Viet Cong, and an American environmentalist hero. The specific cultural use of the term Hayduke is derived from this character.

....googled? I'd bet it was a pop-up from not clearing your browsing history.:D
So this morning, we get summary of the hunting groups who fought to get wolves included in the budget bill. Here is a press release from them.

I notice that two groups from Utah are conspicuously absent from this release. I am sure they will issue their own release soon, if they have not done so already. Without a doubt, it will ask for more money.

Maybe those two groups will be included as part of the release issued by the coalition of 14 wolf plaintiffs who also tried to kill this bill. That would be more fitting, based on their position on this bill.

Some other groups worked very hard behind the scenes with Tester's staff to get this bill moving forward. Those are Monana-based groups who have been quiet, but effective. They coordinated some pretty strong efforts to convince Tester's staff that the Senator was on the right track with this one. Good work, Ben.

Good news is that by the end of this week, we should have this part of the battle behind us.

Washington, DC - A coalition of the nation's largest hunting and conservation organizations welcomed a provision championed by Congressional Sportsmen's Caucus (CSC) member Rep. Mike Simpson of Idaho and CSC Senate Co-Chair, Sen. Jon Tester of Montana, to remove the gray wolf from the Endangered Species Act (ESA) as part of a the FY 2011 budget agreement to fund the federal government through the end of the fiscal year.

The coalition includes the Congressional Sportsmen's Foundation, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, Wild Sheep Foundation, the Boone and Crockett Club, National Rifle Association, Safari Club International, and Pope and Young Club.

The groups support this initial step toward state management of recovered wolves and the clear assertion by Congress that recovered wildlife should be delisted from the ESA. The groups also note that other states have recovered wolf populations that have not yet been delisted and urge Congress to actively pursue delisting for those states also.

The Simpson-Tester rider directs the Secretary of the Interior to reissue the latest (2009) ruling declaring the wolf recovered and to return wolf management to state agencies in Montana and Idaho, as well as portions of Utah, Washington and Oregon. Additionally, the provision precludes further lawsuits and preserves the decision made by Wyoming U.S. District Judge Johnson in November 2010, that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) wrongfully rejected Wyoming's wolf management plan.

"This agreement is only the first step in returning management of the gray wolf back to state authority where it belongs," said Congressional Sportsmen's Foundation President Jeff Crane. "Thanks to the leadership of the bipartisan Congressional Sportsmen's Caucus, a concrete move towards delisting has been taken and certain states will once again have the authority to manage wolves in the near future."

Dr. Larry Rudolph, President of Safari Club International, said "We are pleased that the work of this important coalition has yielded a historical precedent from the Congress to cut off the endless litigation and return recovered populations of wolves to state management."

"Federal management goals were met for all wolf populations at least 10 years ago and wolves now number at least five times over the federal goals. Federal officials at the USFWS have attempted delisting three times in the Rockies and Great Lakes and - despite the clear achievement of recovery - each attempt was turned back to the USFWS on questions of process. This fix is long overdue and we applaud it," said David Allen, CEO of Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation.

The coalition noted that the Congressional mandate applies to only a part of the area where wolves are beyond recovery goals. Wyoming's wolves remain under federal ESA protection. Only parts of Washington, Oregon, and Utah are included in the delisting although wolves are moving into other parts of those states. The Western Great Lakes area is excluded from the provision, where a fourth round of rulemaking is expected to begin soon.

Chris Cox, Executive Director of the National Rifle Association Institute for Legislative Action, said, "We are pleased with this important step and hope that opponents of delisting have gotten the message that Congress is sending. We will be closely watching the pending delisting in the Western Great Lakes. In the meantime, we will continue to push for a comprehensive solution in Congress."

"It is unwise to try the same thing over and over again and expect a different result," said Gray Thornton, CEO of the Wild Sheep Foundation. "We've seen three times already that this process is unclear and causes - as Judge Molloy described it - 'turmoil of legal issues with practical management issues'. This is a problem only Congress can fix. Congress has now fixed part of the Rockies and the Northwest. Turmoil will continue until Congress completes the job in the Rockies, including Wyoming, the Northwest and the Great Lakes region - and anywhere else where wolf populations are recovered."

The wolf delisting agreement in the FY 2011 budget came on the heels of Montana U.S. District Judge Donald Molloy ruling against a settlement proposal by environmental groups that would have returned wolf management temporarily to Idaho and Montana only.

In order to return all recovered wolf populations to state managers, the group supports further efforts in Congress and the Administration until a comprehensive fix is complete.
Lance Lemmonds (202) 543-6850 x-19

Funny the dude on MM is always throwing RMEF as one of their latest supporter. While I'm sure they are supporting anything that is for controlling wolves he basically states that they only support their resolution.
That's great!! Looks like DP miffed off some folks that carry a bit more clout than him. Hubris can be a b!tch...

On an aside, I recieved an email last night containing a letter from Big Game Forever that is nothing but a backhanded compliment.

"Why don't you go find yourself a SPIN cycle?"... Can anyone name that movie? :D
"Why don't you go find yourself a SPIN cycle?"... Can anyone name that movie? :D

Oh, I love that one. The Great Outdoors.

My dad had a hat similar to the guy's shirt that said, "I've been to Duluth." If you grew up in the woods north of Duluth, that would be as funny as funny gets.
D Peay sure has had a miraculous change of heart on MM.:cool: Unbelievable if you look at his posts a couple weeks ago and then now.
What's Rehberg saying about all this? Seems he is standing on the wrong side of the fence with his trousers down. Can't wait to see the spin he puts on this. "Well actually I blah blah......"

Never mind I guess I just read his statement in Ben's article. Kind of what I thought he'd say.
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"In light of who currently controls the Senate and White House, this is probably the best deal we can hope for in the next two years, and I'll take it," Rehberg said in an email.

Oh my Denny!
Oh, I love that one. The Great Outdoors.

My dad had a hat similar to the guy's shirt that said, "I've been to Duluth." If you grew up in the woods north of Duluth, that would be as funny as funny gets.
Winner, winner, chicken dinner!!!
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