Wolf in S.D.


Already open in eastern SD. We came across a pair while pheasant hunting about 5 years ago in NE part of the state.

Here is the link. Lived in the black Hills for 5 years. Game and fish denies it. There was one south of Hot Springs a couple of years ago, one was run over on the Rez, another shot on a ranch. Now this one.
GFP denies that you lived in the Hills for five years? That must be it since GFP doesn't deny wolves in SD.

We [SDGFP] have been getting a few calls and some interest related to a YouTube video posted from an individual earlier this week featuring a wolf in the Black Hills.

GFP biologists from our Rapid City office have seen the video and believe it to be a wolf. Wolves are confirmed somewhere in South Dakota nearly every year, and it is likely that this is a transient animal passing through.

We don’t feel the public is in any danger, but we want you to be aware of the animal’s presence.

Also, wolves are currently protected under the Federal Endangered Species Act. While South Dakota has no plans to manage for wolves, it is illegal to kill wolves in South Dakota at this time.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact your local GFP office.
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I see Washington Game Department is going to allow more Cougers killed because of the increasing Wolf population to slow some of the predation on all the game animals. Remember the Wolf is a protected animal.
Add Wyoming to that list MM.
I was being sarcastic. We've had some areas hit hard here in Montana, but wolves aren't eating all the game. I don't wish wolves on any state that doesn't have them (yet), but they aren't the death knell for hunting a lot of folks believe they are. mtmuley
Wyoming is a predator pit...its so bad, that maybe in my lifetime, I'll only be able to kill 2 elk a year.
When your neighboring state had 3000 in it (MN) your gonna get wolves. We are running out of things for them to eat so they got to go somewhere. I have herd of them as far south in MN as the SE part of the state. I also think one was spotted in north Iowa too. They cruise a lot more than one would think.
GFP denies that you lived in the Hills for five years? That must be it since GFP doesn't deny wolves in SD.

Sorry, should've spelled that out for you. When I lived in South Dakota, there were numerous wolf sightings in the hills. While reported to the game and fish, they would not confirm the presence of wolves in the black hills. I'm sure this was due to some government beauracracy. Now that there is an actual video, of course the game and fish can now confirm it.
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Some people get way too hung up on "confirmation" of a species. Who cares? What is the benefit?

If SD GFP freely acknowledges that wolves can and do travel through SD, what is the added benefit if they officially confirm the presence of wolves? Usually, it ends up being wasted time, resources and effort to "confirm" sightings.
Isn't their job to manage wildlife? Seems like the potential of wolves in the black Hills could have a significant effect on the game population?

It was frustrating for a lot of people who lived in western South Dakota because there was a decline in the deer population, both mule deer and white tails. There seemed to be an abundance of mountain lions which most thought were the reason for low mulie numbers, the last thing they want in the hills, are wolves.
And if they "confirmed" it, what do you gain? It's still a federal ESA species, which means that GFP has no real latitude in doing anything.

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