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Winter records for interior Alaska climate


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2017
interior Alaska
Got to love winter to live in interior Alaska. The National Weather Service recently released these stats:
The Winter of 2020-21 had a total snowfall of 91.3 inches, which was the highest winter snowfall since 1992-93.
We had the snowiest February to April period on record, 54 inches and far above the normal of 16 inches.
The snow on the ground in Fairbanks reached its greatest depth at 40 inches on April 4, which was the deepest snow depth in Fairbanks since 1993.

This winter had the record longest stretch of days remaining below 40°F, which was 183 days in a row from October 11 through April 11.
The coldest day this winter was -42°F on February 22, which was the only day of -40°F or colder this winter. Fairbanks normally has 7 days reaching 40 below or colder each winter.

A nice winter rains, sugar snow instead...easy to plow.
Some outstanding northern lights displays during warm nights in April to finish up winter.
Now its too light for aurora viewing with Civil Twilight from 3:40 am to midnight.

We do have a long, warm, dry summer....
Thank God for climate warming, might have been real cold!
Yes cold snaps used to be 10days-2 weeks with temperatures in the -40s to -60s.
Now with climate warming we don't have those deep, long cold snaps.
Also duck hunting used to be over by the end of September with freeze-up in the 1990s,
now we duck hunt typically until mid-October marsh freeze ups.
We moved up in sept. 1959. I was 4. It was in the 80s when we left Seattle, mom had me dressed in shorts and sandals. Snowing when we landed at Ft. Wainwright, (actually Ladd Air Base then). I thought I had died and gone to heaven.
I don’t have good data sources out in King Salmon, I winter in Oregon, but over the last 20 years there is little question we are in a warming and drying trend out there, particularly summer. As you noted however this was a snowy and cold winter there as well. There were days it was colder there then it was at my home in the Blue Mts. Hope it killed some white socks.
exactly !

not bad today, wind chill makes it at approx. zero with some snow flurries , but we already have 18 hours of light. Wish we had better golf courses ;)
The end of aurora viewing for the year :(...northern lights were spectacular in April...we sat on our deck in relative warmth all night long.
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