Winter archery equipment


Well-known member
Dec 10, 2002
Chugiak, AK
I drew a late season 15 Dec-15 Jan archery hunt. Temps could be in the -20s to 30's, and ass deep snow wouldn't be a surprise. I've not bow hunted in these kind of conditions before. Is there anythign I should be aware of when hunting/shooting?

I'm thinking a pin cover might come in handy? Maybe an arm guard to keep my coat out of the way?

I can't wait to send an arrow through the chest of a big ol bull.
I hunt in single digit temps often in MN. I have a RipCord Code Red and it has worked well. I have practiced in colder weather single digit temps and never had a problem. One of the deer I shot this year the temp was 8. I think the temp is harder on us then our equipment except for a fiber busting from an extreme archer brand sight. I have since bought a Black Gold and have not had any issues.
those two things are about it. ive hunted in those kind of extreme conditions and the most common thing ive dealt with is snow on my pins so a cover is def handy. just a thought but you might want to reduce your draw weight a little because having alot of clothes on might make your bow difficult to draw. just a thought. best of luck
Can I come? I know where there are a couple nice ones. FWIW my buddy who had the same tag didn't bring anything special....
An arm guard, yes, and practice drawing/shooting with your heavier gear...its a bit different, there may be other pieces of your gear that you need to tuck, or move as well. A whisker bisq....because when you are shaking like a leaf when that big bull is there, and your shivering your a$$ off, might be nice the arrow stays put!
I shoot fingers, not sure if guys who shoot mechanicals have them freeze up when its 0?
I often do leave my gear in the truck so you dont get condensation. I learned that from black powder hunting. Never has a mechanical fail but often shoot fixed anyway. If the wind is blowing hard, I do use mechanicals. Just a lot less drift. I also have a shorter Draw Length so I dont need an arm guard. Practice in those temps. It is a little harder to pull the string back but not that much. When you get out to your spot do a practice pull or to just to get the muscles working.
Does anything big have it's horns still that late?

Doesn't matter if he has horns or not, if its big its getting shot. Besides it just means there will be one less bull the shed hunters get to harass, better yet find sheds off him the next year. Those guys are dicks.

Seems like maybe half the moose are shed by Jan 1? I see dencet bulls still packing around Christams. I wish the season was about 15 days earlier, but I'm not complaining. One way or another a moose is coming pieces. If I kill a 50" bull with my bow, I'll be very happy.

Mechanicals aren't allowed in AK for moose (unless the proposal passed to change it). I shoot Magnus stingers, and the heaviest arrow I can find.

I shoot a whisker biscuit, but have heard that snow can be tough on them? Maybe I'll to fling some arrows this weekend and see what happens. I've bow hunted in cold weather before, wallowing around in ass deep snow chasing moose is a new experience for me. :)
I thought I heard mechanicals did pass in AK?

Not sure, but now I think it will be a good time for the advocates to go Grizz hunting with them:D

If you have that tag, can you go moose hunting before during the regular season and kill a bull instead?
I thought I heard mechanicals did pass in AK?

If you have that tag, can you go moose hunting before during the regular season and kill a bull instead?

I don't know if the mechanical proposal passed or not.

Tag is good for any moose, late season only.
Focus on the shot. Don't let the cold in your head. Unless your jacket is adding more than 6", or you shoot with a straight bow arm, string clearance should not be an issue. I'm like a strung out meth addict when it comes to checkIng my sight/rest/release for proper function, on any hunt no matter the temp. Covers are just not in my normal routine, and I don't want to make a tough hunt more complicated.

-5 is the coldest I've bow shot a deer, never been to AK, but I'd imagine the same rules apply.
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I do believe you can hunt moose on a harvest tag before your hunt.

Correct. I can hunt on a HT during regular season. Don't plan on hunting moose much during the regular season though... I have a Kenai brown bear tag to fill and sheep to hunt, however if I tag out early my 'backup' plan is a mountain goat hunt.
Correct. I can hunt on a HT during regular season. Don't plan on hunting moose much during the regular season though... I have a Kenai brown bear tag to fill and sheep to hunt, however if I tag out early my 'backup' plan is a mountain goat hunt.

I think I may have to move to alaska for a few years to get a griz and one of those sheep
It will be interesting to see what the bull situation looks like around here next Fall. Best thing I have found for staying out all day in -10 and beyond is Toe Warmers. My feet dont like cold but the TW's do the trick. They have a sticky side and I'll put one in each hand between the liner and mitten too if im sitting a long time or pulling my mitten off the liner frequently like when taking pictures of critters or monster antlers like I often do.

You've had a good streak of luck. I remember when I was lucky, before I hunted or applied with Wyo. Those were the advised.
Two weeks and counting. Been shooting my bow a bit. Should be good to go.

Just hope i can find a moose or two to chase.
I wouldn't change much. Make sure you don't get snow/moisture in your release. I had that happen and when I went to put my release on my string it just wasn't going to happen. A pretty solid buck made it out alive due to that.

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